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Was this sound?

Was this sound?

Only Chess

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What do you think? Especially, was my finish sound? (Starting from move 22.) I don't think I have a mate here -- I just relied on Black playing Qxc3.

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Originally posted by WanderingKing
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.08.18"]
[EndDate "2012.09.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "WanderingKing"]
[Black "TheMetaBaron"]
[WhiteRating "1347"]
[BlackRating "1113"]
[WhiteElo "1347"]
[BlackElo "1113"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "9475247"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 4. Ng1f3 dxc4 5. a4 {The Alapi ...[text shortened]... nk I have a mate here -- I just relied on Black playing Qxc3.
I would have done it [ripped the h6 pawn] but that doesn't mean it's sound. 😛

The question is, after 22.Bh6 gh 23.Qh6, does black have anything better than 23...Be8, defending the f7 square? [And hope that white has no better than a draw by perpetual check...]

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
I would have done it [ripped the h6 pawn] but that doesn't mean it's sound. 😛

The question is, after 22.Bh6 gh 23.Qh6, does black have anything better than 23...Be8, defending the f7 square? [And hope that white has no better than a draw by perpetual check...]
If I'm black, I'm seriously considering not taking the Bishop on move 22. That lets the Q in. But if I don't, Qg5 is coming anyway. White's Kside attack looks pretty ominous.

2 edits

Originally posted by WanderingKing
[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.08.18"]
[EndDate "2012.09.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "WanderingKing"]
[Black "TheMetaBaron"]
[WhiteRating "1347"]
[BlackRating "1113"]
[WhiteElo "1347"]
[BlackElo "1113"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "9475247"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 4. Ng1f3 dxc4 5. a4 {The Alapi nk I have a mate here -- I just relied on Black playing Qxc3.
The opening experts say the purpose is the Slav Defense is to solve the problem of developing Black's queen bishop, which is sometimes difficult to develope in some versions of the 2.e6 variations of the Queens Gambit Declined.

5...b5? The normal book move is to go ahead and develope the bishop to f5.

6...cxb5 is the normal looking move.

7.bxc6 looks best because it gives Black 2 isolated pawns to only one for White.

9...Bd7 does not look like the best move. The rule in the openings is to develope knights before bishops unless there is a good reason to do otherwise, therefore 9...Nc6.

10...e6 is better for it protects the knight and opens up a diagonal for the other bishop.

12.Bxc4 White is a clear pawn ahead.

13...Nc6? looses another pawn. It is best to castle.

16...Nb8 looks like a wasted move that forces White to move were he wanted to anyway.

20.Qd2 Good idea.

20...Ba3? bad idea. Best is 20...f6! threatens 21...fxe5 and if 21.Bxh6

Then 21...gxh6 22.Qxh6 Rf7 guards against the checkmate!

21...Ra1! Now the bishop is pinned and can not particpate in the defense of the Black king.

22...gxh6?? Black can't avoid checkmate after this blunder. His only hope is 22...Kf8

Good game for white!

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mumble mumble....blog readers nicking my ideas...no credit...
...damn cheek of it all....why do I bother....typical....huh.....
...the nerve of the guy....But then I saw...But then I saw.....mumble grumble...

The note now goes:
"Qh7+ doesn't do anything so I've got nothing. But then I saw:"

"...but then I saw."

"...but then I saw."

You saw nothing. You just remembered what I showed you.

The planet Greenpawn Blog: The Lewis Men and the Titanic


See the game Pariah325 - Lightbug RHP Ch 2012 (given below)

That's 4 pints you owe me Mr Wander King.
And if you are Wandering why?

1) For not saying something like "I got the idea from GP's brillo blog."
2) For claiming you saw it when infact I showed it to you.
3) For NOT seeing the Queen and Bishop Tango BEFORE you sacced the Bishop.
4) Cannot think of a 4th reason but give me time.


4) For saying after move 19:

"I have a passed pawn so I put a rook behind it. That's what I've read I need to do."

Who told you to do that? Not me. Not when they are two open files on the board.
You have been reading someone else's blog.

That's 5 pints you owe me.

5) For reading someone else's blog.

Pariah325 - Lightbug RHP Ch 2012

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
mumble mumble....blog readers nicking my ideas...no credit...
...damn cheek of it all....why do I bother....typical....huh.....
...the nerve of the guy....But then I saw...But then I saw.....mumble grumble...

[fen]1r4k1/3b1p2/2n1p2Q/4P3/3P4/b1qB1N2/5PPP/R5K1 w - - 0 24[/fen]
The note now goes:
"Qh7+ doesn't do anything so I've got nothing. But the een & Bishop Tango.} 15... Bh2+ 16. Kh1 Bg3+ 17. Kg1 Qh2+ 18. Kf1 Qxf2 [/pgn]
Why does it always have to be your idea. Can't someone else have any ideas?
Perhaps you got your idea from some Grandmaster, huh?
Or perhaps it was from some grandma. 😀

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Why does it always have to be your idea. Can't someone else have any ideas?
Perhaps you got your idea from some Grandmaster, huh?
Or perhaps it was from some grandma. 😀
Ermmm I think it was a friendly joke Christian.

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Joke? What joke? If I'm going to buy GP any pints, I want to know it's for realzies.

I'm dead serious here -- I owe you nothing Mr. Pawn.

1. I did not give you credit for the check all checks rule. That's one pint for you.
2. I didn't remember the pattern from your blog. Two pints.
3. For claiming I didn't see the pattern before the sac, minus a pint. I saw it. I just posted a note one move later so there's one note instead of two. That's one pint for you again.
4. and 5. For claiming I read somebody else's blog, minus a pint. That's zero pints.

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Originally posted by Dewi Jones
Ermmm I think it was a friendly joke Christian.
That is why I put this smiley face 😀 there, Doofus. 😀

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"realzies." what on earth is or are "realzies?"

More Pints for me and now one for Russ from bringing slang into a forum.

Realzies indeed.

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Are. "Realizies" is the plural of "realzy". I think.

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You cannot go around just making up words.

I just googled realzy + dictionary. Nothing. (more pints)

And RJ you owe me a whole Barrel of beer. A whole Barrel.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
You cannot go around just making up words.

I just googled realzy + dictionary. Nothing. (more pints)

And RJ you owe me a whole Barrel of beer. A whole Barrel.
Of course you can go around making up words! What's wrong with that?

I can help with the barrel of beer if you like.


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If you go around making up words that people don't the
meaning of then how are people are going to know what you mean.

Anyway enough of this. Wandering King's orginal sac.

Was it sound?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
You cannot go around just making up words.

I just googled realzy + dictionary. Nothing. (more pints)

And RJ you owe me a whole Barrel of beer. A whole Barrel.
I think you are the one that owes me for bringing you down off your high horse.

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