Today I played in local OTB tournament. 7 rounds. Time control: 1.-4.round (today) 25min + 5 sec inc. 5.-7.round (tomorrow) - 50 min + 5 sec inc.
In first round I got much weaker opponent and won. Could finish him faster (35.d6 instead of 35.Rxe8), but my opponent revenged with 37....h5?.
Ratings given in ELO section are national ratings.
5th round. My opening preparation worked very well - after 20th move I had winning position which developed until Rook endgame with 2 extra pawns. Unfortunately in blitz stage with both of us having last seconds (which is the reason why notation is incomplete) my opponent managed to escape 🙁 This game damped my spirit and last 2 games I played like a pale shadow.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexAfter that game I felt simply horrible - such kind of endgames I usually win even in bullet. But as we know blitz and time trouble are not actually the same.....
That round 5 game you drew would have pushed you up into 2= as well, you must be quite annoyed about not being able to win the endgame from that position.
Btw. That guy is good blitz player and he also plays good in time trouble - in next round being in time trouble he managed to win game in which he had lost and later dead draw position.
P.S. If yesterday someone told me that with 5 sec inc. I will not be able to win that endgame I would laugh about him.