I've played this game against cteichman, but I really didn't think I'd win. Where do you think he made the error that made me win? He says it's his fourth move in which he got out his knight but I don't really see the conseqences of that.
If anyone likes to annotate, feel free, as I'm to lazy(and too much of a noob) to do it myself
Game 3274742
I've put in a random FEN, don't really know which phase is the most significant...
Originally posted by Meneer Dries4.h3 ...try 4. Bg5
I've played this game against cteichman, but I really didn't think I'd win. Where do you think he made the error that made me win? He says it's his fourth move in which he got out his knight but I don't really see the conseqences of that.
If anyone likes to annotate, feel free, as I'm to lazy(and too much of a noob) to do it myself
[gid]3274742[/gid ...[text shortened]... st significant...
[fen]r7/2B4p/pqk1Q1p1/2p1p3/2p1Pr2/2P4P/PP3PP1/3RK2R b K - 2 25[/fen]
9.Qc5 Instead try. Bb5+ bd7 Qh4! now if black plays Bxb5 Qxb5+ Qd7 Nc7+! Kd8 Qxd7+ Kxd7 Nxa8
I know there have been some mistakes, but don't forget we're both only beginners. and indeed 11.Qe3 was an error.
I don't really know why I had h3 instead of Bg5 in the beginning...
Must've slipped my eye.
As for not doing that Bb5+ I wanted to wait for it as I didn't see any way of getting real advantage with that without losing many pieces and in the end maybe ending even. Could you explain me what it would have helped me if I then moved my queen to c4? I believe you that that would have been better, just don't know exactly why