White has just moved Qe2 and offers a draw with the comment:
"looks impossible for any of us to break through now"
Black rejects the draw offer. Plays Be7 and comments:
"I disagree, your structure is full of holes. This is one of these positions where my former teacher would say "it's only a matter of time"."
What do you think?
Originally posted by watchyourbackrank
White has just moved Qe2 and offers a draw with the comment:
"looks impossible for any of us to break through now"
[fen]7r/3q2kr/4b1p1/p1b1p1B1/PpPpPpP1/1P3R1P/4QRB1/6K1 b--[/fen]
Black rejects the draw offer. Plays Be7 and comments:
"I disagree, your structure is full of holes. This is one of these positions where my former teacher would say "it's only a matter of time"."
What do you think?
Thanks, Elmyr and Ragwort
two very interesting continuations which both have the merit that they open up the position for black. however, not sure if it's enough to win for black in either case.
Black continued Be7 which I found was a very strange way to exploit the holes in my position because after a bishop exchange on e7 both d3 and Bxg4 make little sense for black now. game was easily drawn after a few more moves.