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What is 'HFR'

What is 'HFR'

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There's alot of people with user name HRFx, mostly french. just wondering what HFR is. You can find these players by typing HFR in find player search.

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Originally posted by 2Lo4Zero
There's alot of people with user name HRFx, mostly french. just wondering what HFR is. You can find these players by typing HFR in find player search.
a french hardware site, they're all from there.

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And you can join the clan: Clan 24760

When you said "hardware", I thought nails, hammers, and such. 🙂

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Those HFR guys are pretty tough.

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HFR = Hardware.fr

Nothing to do with chess but the forum is one of the biggest french forums on the web. We started there a turnament for sub and non-sub.

There is also a club: Club 49, where you can find the adress of the turnament.

(excuse my french 😛)

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I confirm,
HFR is our new religion and HfrMine antiperso is the great guru, HFR SebLomb is his son 🙂

Not so expensive for a guru, only 10 per cent of our salaries

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Salut les frenchies !

I might join your club to play your tournament...although it's a bit fast for me!

I'll have more time to play in february, so if there's room for me then, i'd be glad to join (et je parlerai français la-bas, ici je préfère éviter)

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What does that ugly game have to do with the topic??
Qa8??? Qxc6 instead and you were toast! (kb8 a6 and a7 mate, he also missed axb6 e.p when you played b5)

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Beats me as well why a random game with no notes appeared.

Good fun though.

It was a Philidor Defence and Philidor was French and there is a French
string running through this thread.

So why not post a French Defence? 😕

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D4V, for a moment I thought I was on a porn forum. Your avatar is really unbecoming. Especially as this is a chess website. It looks quite out of place, LOL.

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Originally posted by Goshen
D4V, for a moment I thought I was on a porn forum.
but this IS a pawn forum!

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Originally posted by Goshen
Your avatar is really unbecoming. E
I'd becoming if I met the model.

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