How a game can go terribly wrong...
Game 3479785
Was my initial mistake 14w - Qe5xe7?
Definitely not, after that also you had a good chances for atleast a draw, desasterous starts first one - 40) Bc4 it should have been Qc3 to equlise active queen.
2) You were nervous during end game ( i guess)
3) You were capturing pawns without purpose , but opponent captured with purpose.
Originally posted by venkatesh muraliI subscribe to number three!
Definitely not, after that also you had a good chances for atleast a draw, desasterous starts first one - 40) Bc4 it should have been Qc3 to equlise active queen.
2) You were nervous during end game ( i guess)
3) You were capturing pawns without purpose , but opponent captured with purpose.