i've seen this a couple of times and the first time i was caught off guard.....the second time i got a cramped position as black.
The moves are 1.e4....e5 2.Qh5.....
i played 2...Nc6 and he played 3.Bc4....
anyone know a line that i can play as black to let white know he shoulda left his king at home?
Originally posted by chessisvanityyou could always play Qf6 and Bc5 and see how he likes it..
i've seen this a couple of times and the first time i was caught off guard.....the second time i got a cramped position as black.
The moves are 1.e4....e5 2.Qh5.....
i played 2...Nc6 and he played 3.Bc4....
anyone know a line that i can play as black to let white know he shoulda left his king at home?
Originally posted by chessisvanityI used to get this $hit on blitz & you end up playing 2...Nc6, 3...g6, 4...Nf6 with a later ...Bg7 & ...0-0 behind the fianchetto.
Thank you....looks good for me.....1.e4....e5 2.Qh5....Nc6 3.Bc4.....g6!
Basically white loses the move & gives black a very pleasant, solid opening something like this:
white to move
Originally posted by chessisvanityThis might very well be a game in progress. Game 3890289.
4.Nf3 now what?......d6?
1. If so, why do you ask for help from other players during a game in progress? Read the site-rules.
2. Why do people comment games in progress?
Regards, ðŸ˜
Originally posted by dsmfireIf he asked advice for that game it's clear he didn't follow it 🙂
This might very well be a game in progress. Game 3890289.
1. If so, why do you ask for help from other players during a game in progress? Read the site-rules.
2. Why do people comment games in progress?
Regards, ðŸ˜
I actually find this a bit troublesome.Let's say I have a scotch game going,then I can't ask advice about a previous scotch game?
Originally posted by ouwe belgI don't see why you couldn't ask about previous moves in a line.
If he asked advice for that game it's clear he didn't follow it 🙂
I actually find this a bit troublesome.Let's say I have a scotch game going,then I can't ask advice about a previous scotch game?
You cannot ask for help in a present or potential future position in a G.I.P though, even if you also played the same line before in a completed game.
That is outside assistance.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchYes,I would agree with you.It's only normal,imo.
I don't see why you couldn't ask about previous moves in a line.
You cannot ask for help in a present or potential future position in a G.I.P though, even if you also played the same line before in a completed game.
That is outside assistance.
But the starter of this thread got an angry post for doing so,hence I was wondering what the common policy here is.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchWhy fianchetto? It limits the activity of the bishop due to the pawn on e5
I used to get this $hit on blitz & you end up playing 2...Nc6, 3...g6, 4...Nf6 with a later ...Bg7 & ...0-0 behind the fianchetto.
Basically white loses the move & gives black a very pleasant, solid opening something like this:
white to move
[fen]r1bq1rk1/pppp1pbp/2n2np1/4p3/2B1P3/2N2Q2/PPPPNPPP/R1B1K2R w KQ - 0 7[/fen]