Game 6833614 & Game 6833611
the first ended over a month ago with the other just the other day.
in the first i ran out of attacking ideas and thought i'd offer a draw before he started a counter.
the other, at this point a draw is good enough to send both of us through to the next round.. so both can be happy to take it i guess but who in your opinion has the better position?
having both bishops is a huge advantage but with the 3 of my pawns alone i didn't feel i could defend them while trying to attack his.. was i wrong?
In the first I favor black.But that's only because I wouldn't like to play white's position.Hardly an objective assessment.
In the second it's hard to imagine the knight matching the bishops,even with the aid of extra footsoldiers.But too tough for me to assess.
No help,sorry,but at least I looked at your work 🙂
Btw,you played those games really well,imo.