Game 2391039
My opponent doesn't seem to realize this game is drawn. I haven't actually offered one yet, but I've tried to claim one, and RHP simply continues the match. Am I wrong about this being a draw?
Originally posted by calydonThe game is a draw.
Game 2391039
My opponent doesn't seem to realize this game is drawn. I haven't actually offered one yet, but I've tried to claim one, and RHP simply continues the match. Am I wrong about this being a draw?
Originally posted by calydonI saw a feature called "Claim draw". I've been wondering if it contained enough smarts to actually do that? Why don't you click on it and tell us what happened?
Game 2391039
My opponent doesn't seem to realize this game is drawn. I haven't actually offered one yet, but I've tried to claim one, and RHP simply continues the match. Am I wrong about this being a draw?
From FAQ:
A draw can be claimed without any interaction from your opponent under a number of conditions. These are as follows:
* No piece capture or pawn movement has occurred for over 50 consecutive moves (100 half moves). Therefore the game has not progressed and a draw may be claimed by either player during their next move.
* Insufficient material remains on the board to finish the game. If only two kings remain then either player may claim a draw during their next move.
* Third repetition of a position. If any identical position appears three times during a game, then the game can be claimed as a draw. Please note that each repetition must be identical with regards to en passant and castling availability. A draw can only be claimed along with a move that contributes to a repetition. Claiming after the repetition has occurred is not possible, unless the same position can be repeated again on a future move.
It would seem that insufficient material is viewed only as K vs. K . So you'll just have to wait for a three-fold repetition or the 50 moves.
Originally posted by calydonI suggest you send him/her/it a message pointing out that mate is impossible as even if the inferior side's K is in a corner the superior side's K can only cover two of the necessary four squares, and the minor piece cannot cover the other two as they are different colours. Out of the corner it is even more obviously impossible.
[b]Game 2391039
My opponent doesn't seem to realize this game is drawn.
Originally posted by calydonTry offering a draw again. If your opponent still refuses you need to send feedback, asking Russ to intervene.
Game 2391039
My opponent doesn't seem to realize this game is drawn. I haven't actually offered one yet, but I've tried to claim one, and RHP simply continues the match. Am I wrong about this being a draw?
This situation has happened many times in the past. Russ has been aware for over 4 years that this is a problem, but it obviously doesn't rate highly on his to-do list. It's a bit disappointing. Every other chess site and chess software that I know of manages to implement the rules of chess. It's not rocket science.