I played Game 3597278 a while ago, and have been wondering why he resigned. Perhaps there is a simple answer and im just too stupid to figure it out, but I can´t. any ideas?
Black is winning the game. I've been browsing his games, and he has resigned a few games in which he had a decisive advantage.
Maybe he doesn't like to play on, when he has already won, and his opponent doesn't resign? Or somebody else was on his account? Or he wanted to reduce his game load?
Have you asked him why he resigned?
Originally posted by Dragon FireBlack won the game 20 moves ago. After e.g. h2 by white, Rd8 is almost as good as Rc2 or another 10 or so candidate moves. They all would ultimately lead to checkmate .... in 25 more moves or so😉
Doesn't Rd8 (next black move virtually regardless of what white plays) win fairly simply for black.
Originally posted by clandarkfireInstead of guessing, why don't you just ask him?
I played Game 3597278 a while ago, and have been wondering why he resigned. Perhaps there is a simple answer and im just too stupid to figure it out, but I can´t. any ideas?