This is by far the biggest blunder I have ever doneGame 3337774 I even know this line of attack well, mind you never sure how to defend it best. :'(
Originally posted by bellian1) You could play Nf6 in second move
This is by far the biggest blunder I have ever doneGame 3337774 I even know this line of attack well, mind you never sure how to defend it best. :'(
2) 4...g6 (instead of 4....Nf6???) would give you good play
Originally posted by bellian3...g6 kicks the queen away & allows easy, routine development.
This is by far the biggest blunder I have ever doneGame 3337774 I even know this line of attack well, mind you never sure how to defend it best. :'(
Originally posted by bellianWow. π²
This is by far the biggest blunder I have ever doneGame 3337774 I even know this line of attack well, mind you never sure how to defend it best. :'(
Game 3189391
I played someone with the same intent. Although I didn't play the best moves, you can see how White's stubborn persistence in his attack costs him the game. Defend by bringing your pieces out, and pushing his pieces back. In this way I was gaining center space as well as more development.
I think a big problem with people around this rating is they attack with just a couple of pieces. When it became apparant that his attack failed, it was too late for him to do anything. After 11...Be7, you can compare the two positions. White's position doesn't bring much confidence. I hope this helps you with some defensive ideas next time you play.