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Wild 'n wooly

Wild 'n wooly

Only Chess

Shut Gorohoviy!

19 May 03
09 Aug 04
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The idea of the thread is for people to post any wild,exciting or beautiful game they have played.It doesn't matter where or when you played it.It doesn't matter how many mistakes are made in the game.It doesn't matter what your rating is.If you played a wild variation or you think it was exciting or just a beautifull finish,post it here.If you like,add some background information as well.Fun for all πŸ™‚
I'll get things going with this game I played OTB,now 5 years ago.It was the first round in an unofficial tourney,120m KO.My opponent had won this tourney 5 times,though his last victory was 10 years ago.For me it was my second OTB tourney,I decided to surprise him with the 'Noords gambiet' (don't know the english name,nordic gambit?).It worked!Enjoy the game πŸ™‚

[Event Edited game]
[Site *]
[Date 30-10-1999]
[Round 1]
[White "*"]
[Black "*"]
[Result 1-0]

1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4 cxb2 5. Bxb2 d6 6. Qb3 Qd7 7. Nf3 h6
8. O-O c6 9. Nc3 b5 10. Nxb5 cxb5 11. Bxb5 Nc6 12. Rac1 Bb7 13. Rfd1 Qe6
14. Rxc6 Qxb3 15. Rc8+ Ke7 16. Rc7+ Kd8 17. Rd7+ Ke8 18. axb3
{Black resigns 1-0}

After the game,at the bar,he was still shaking his head,unable to grasp what had happened.He told me he was happy to get all those free pawns and asked me if this was a 'normal' opening.I told him the name of the opening and that it was a crazy line,but that suits me,'cause I'm a crazy guy.
He agreed πŸ˜›

Sir Lot.

PS: Please only post your personal games here.We can find as many exciting GM games as we want on the net.This thread is meant for our own personal games.Thank you πŸ™‚


11 Jul 03
09 Aug 04
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It is Danish Gambit and I'm not sure if I would ever risk to take second pawn OTB:-) Nice game!


11 Jul 03
09 Aug 04
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Don't have anything really spectacular, but this game Game 366878 is probably the best I played at RHP. The only "wild" thing about it though is that I played exchange down most of the game and there were no forced lines (as far as I can say). I was very happy with this win:-)

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
09 Aug 04
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I got one I recently played hereGame 602557. I think it qualifies as wild n'wooly: three pieces sacrificed, an ending with Queen, Rook and Bishop versus 2 Rooks, 2 Knights and a Bishop and then the damn thing winds up a draw! I think both Seraphim Vulture and myself were just too exhausted to keep trying to win it with so many complications: mate threats, Knight forks, pins, skewers, etc. I had a headache for a week afterward!

High Priest

The Volcano

19 Nov 03
10 Aug 04
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Possibly every game I play?

Eh, one of my personal favorites:
sac, sac, draw! Game 504033

Whale watching

33Β°36'S 26Β°53'E

05 Feb 04
10 Aug 04
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Originally posted by SirLoseALot

PS: Please only post your personal games here.We can find as many exciting GM games as we want on the net.This thread is meant for our own personal games.Thank you πŸ™‚
Don't you just love that Danish? There's no way you are going to have a quiet, strategic or positional game once the gambit has been accepted. It's blood and guts all the way.

I have my own example. A royal blue Danish Gambit: Game 420891 I love it! No wonder it was so popular before the d5 refute (which fortunately not eveyone knows or plays - it's psychologically so hard for black to give back the material).

The Sicillian Defence: Game 510126 Harvesting the weak queenside squares. Finally, black has the choice of mate or a forked queen.

Benoni : Game 435721 A queen pawn's brave journey into battle, and victory.

Reversed Sicillian: Game 451116 Digging out the king. There's something very noble about 18. c5. - a pawn throwing down its life to finally force the king out of its sanctury.

And finally an unpleasant, embarassing, and violent loss. 😳 The Danish Gambit declined: Game 480501 Aghhh, the nasty things that can happen when enemy Knights team up deep in your territory.

High Priest

The Volcano

19 Nov 03
10 Aug 04
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More of my favorites:

a blitz game as white:
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. exd6 cxd6 6. Nc3 g6 7. Nf3 Bg7 8. Be3 d5 9. c5 Nc4 10. Bxc4 dxc4 11. O-O O-O 12. Qc1 Re8 13. Ne4 Be6 14. Bh6 Bh8 15. Nfg5 Bd5 16. Qf4 f5 17. Nc3 e6 18. Rfe1 Qd7 19. g4 Nc6 20. gxf5 exf5 21. Nxd5 Qxd5 22. Qc7 Nxd4 23. Rad1 Rxe1+ 24. Rxe1 Nf3+ 25. Nxf3 Qxf3 26. Re7 Qg4+ 27. Kf1 Qh3+ 28. Kg1 Qxh6 29. Qxb7 Qf8 30. Rxh7 Rb8 31. Qd5+ {Black resigns} 1-0

Yes, you read that right. I miss a forced mate (well, two forced mates, to be exact...), try and play it on the next move when it just hangs a rook, and, instead of capturing the rook, my opponent resigns.

Another blitz game, as black, with insane opponent who burns a tempo for no reason:
1. e3 e5 2. e4 f5 3. exf5 Nf6 4. Qf3 Bc5 5. c3 d5 6. d4 exd4 7. Bb5+ c6
8. Bd3 O-O 9. cxd4 Bxd4 10. Qf4 Bc5 11. Nf3 Nbd7 12. O-O Ne4 13. Ne5 Ndf6 14. Nc3 Bd6 15. Bxe4 Nxe4 16. Nxe4 dxe4 17. Qxe4 Bxf5 18. Qc4+ Kh8 19. Nf7+ Rxf7 20. Qxf7 Be4 21. Re1 Qh4 22. b4 Qxh2+ 23. Kf1 Qxg2+ 24. Ke2 Qg4+ 25. Kf1 Bg2+ 26. Kg1 Bd5+ 27. Kf1 Bxf7 28. Bb2 Bc4+ 29. Re2 Qxe2+ 30. Kg1 Qg4+ 31. Kh1 Bd5+ 32. f3 Bxf3#

Very surreal to play the KG backwards.

Lets not forget my very favorite french game... Game 514997

And finally, the textbook Albin kill... Game 506910 -- that sort of game is the reason I play the Albin, despite the fact that, technically, it is kinda... well... unsound.


Arizona, USA

15 Jun 04
10 Aug 04
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Originally posted by paultopia
And finally, the textbook Albin kill... Game 506910

Your opponent resigned. If he had gone bxa3, a couple of choices for you would have been ... Qc3+ (winning the rook soon, I think) or ... Nxf2. Can you estimate how the continuation would actually have gone?

High Priest

The Volcano

19 Nov 03
10 Aug 04
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Shall we dig up a couple more from my favorites collection?

Game 488551

I've annotated this game, and my comment after move 8 is "hey, we'd castled opposite sides: all the pawns I'm about to drop are expendable, at the rate of, oh say, one attacking tempo each?"

I was expecting 43. ... g5, 44. Qxh5 Qxd3 45. Qxg5+ Kf8 46. Qxc7 and, finally, after long struggle, I'd actually have generated a material ADVANTAGE from my attacks on the king, albeit a small one, and probably could have handled the endgame. He tripped into a mate instead. Hey, I'm not complaining -- and he held up under those fierce attacks longer than I would have liked. πŸ™‚

Oh... here's a really embarassing loss. I like to remember this as blitz... I was black. I've got to be the only person in chess history to lose a game up a queen and a rook and a pawn for a bishop, with the enemy king in the center of the board, and when I have a forced mate.

I was black.

1. e4 Nf6 2. d3 d6 3. c4 Nc6 4. Be3 e5 5. Nc3 Be7 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. h3 Bxf3
8. Qxf3 Nd4 9. Bxd4 exd4 10. Nd5 Nxd5 11. cxd5 O-O 12. O-O-O c6 13. Be2 c5 14. b3 Qa5 15. Kb2 Qc3+ 16. Kb1 b5 17. Rc1 Qb4 18. g4 a5 19. Qf5 a4 20. e5 axb3 21. Bf3 Qa3 22. Rc2 bxc2+ 23. Kxc2 Qxa2+ 24. Kd1 b4 25. exd6 Bxd6 26. Ke1 Qa1+ 27. Bd1 b3 28. Ke2 b2 29. Qd7 Bf4 30. Qc6 b1=Q 31. d6 Qbb2+ 32. Kf3 Qaa2 33. Kxf4 Qxf2+ 34. Bf3 Qad2+ 35. Ke5 Qde3+ 36. Be4 Rae8+ 37. Kd5 Qxe4+ 38. dxe4 d3 39. Qxc5 Qxc5+ 40. Kxc5 Rc8+ 41. Kd5 d2 42. Rd1 Rc2 43. d7 Rd8 44. Kd6 Kf8 45. e5 f6 46. e6 Ra2 47. e7+ 1-0

How did I do this, you ask? Simple. On move 37 I got flipped around. I'd been attacking down toward the bottom of the board for so long I simply forgot what direction each player was coming from. I genuinely believed that his pawn attacked in the OTHER DIRECTION, and that my queen was hence not en prise. I mean, to the point that, after his pawn captured my spare queen, I sat staring at the board (ok, screen) for a full minute, trying to figure out why I had one less queen than I was supposed to. Then I was so horrified that I handed the rook and pawn endgame over with service and a smile. despite still, technically, having a spare rook.

oooh... here's a good one. What was it Nimzowich said about passed pawns? Dangerous criminals? Lock and key? Game 480757

Oh, and finally, my absolute favorite blitz game. As you can tell from the opening and the play, I was white. This would be the penalty for pawn-grabbing. Sac, sac, sac, sac, sac, ATTACK!
1. e4 e5 2. f4 Qf6 3. Nf3 Qxf4 4. d4 Qxe4+ 5. Be2 exd4 6. c3 dxc3 7. Nxc3 Bb4 8. Bd2 Bxc3 9. Bxc3 f6 10. O-O Qe3+ 11. Kh1 d6 12. Qd5 Qxe2 13. Ng5 Ne7 14. Qf7+ Kd8 15. Rae1 Qxe1 16. Rxe1 Nec6 17. Bxf6+ gxf6 18. Qxf6+ Kd7 19. Qg7+ Kd8 20. Qxh8+ Kd7 21. Qxh7+
{Black resigns} 1-0
Obviously, totally unsound, but hey... BLITZ! You can get away with that crap in blitz!

High Priest

The Volcano

19 Nov 03
10 Aug 04
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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
Your opponent resigned. If he had gone bxa3, a couple of choices for you would have been ... Qc3+ (winning the rook soon, I think) or ... Nxf2. Can you estimate how the continuation would actually have gone?
As I recall, I had calculated a forced mate in all lines. Lets see if I can recalculate it.

Yep. Here it is.

18. bxa3 Qc3+ 19. Kb1 Qc2+ 20. Ka1 Nc3!! and the only way he can stop mate by Qa2 next move is by Rd2, which permits mate by Qc1. I suppose he could also delay the mate one more move by throwing his queen onto the fire on e2, whereupon the rook immediately captures it, and then the same mate next move.

For similar reasons, declining the sac was a loser. The only semi-plausible sac-declining move would be 19. Rd2 Nxd2 after which there are any number of horrible lines involving me letting the bishop and the knight go and attacking with queen and rook, and possibly a second queen after the d pawn gets pushed, etc. Or the simpler 19. Rd2
Bxb2+ 20. Rxb2 Qc3+ 21. Kb1 Nd2+ 22. Ka2 (or a1) Nxc4 etc. where again he must throw his queen into the fire to stave off mate, or at least a rook...


03 Aug 04
10 Aug 04
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I didn't really sacrifice anything, but I did run over my opponent.

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nge7 4.0-0 a6 5.Ba4 Ng6 6.d4 Qf6 7.Bg5 Qd6 8.d5 Na7 9.Nc3 h6 10.Bh4 Nf4 11.Bg3 Qf6 12.Bxf4 exf4 13.e5 Qf5 14.e6 fxe6 15.dxe6 b5 16.exd7+ Bxd7 17.Re1+ Be7 18.Nd4 Qf6 19.Nd5 Qd6 20.Nxe7 Kd8 21.Bb3 Re8 22.Nef5 Bxf5 23.Nxf5 Rxe1+ 24.Qxe1 Qf6 25.Rd1+ Kc8 26.Qe8+ Kb7 27.Bd5+ c6 28.Qd7+ Kb6 29.Bxc6 Rd8 30.Qxd8+ Qxd8 31.Rxd8 Nxc6 32.Rg8 Nb4 33.Rxg7 Nxc2 34.Nxh6 f3 35.gxf3 Nb4 36.f4 Nxa2 37.f5 Nb4 38.f6 1-0


11 Jul 03
10 Aug 04
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Originally posted by paultopia
As I recall, I had calculated a forced mate in all lines. Lets see if I can recalculate it.

Yep. Here it is.

18. bxa3 Qc3+ 19. Kb1 Qc2+ 20. Ka1 Nc3!! and the only way he can stop mate by Qa2 next move is by Rd2, which permits mate by Qc1. I suppose he could also delay the mate one more move by throwing his queen onto the fire on e2, whereupon ...[text shortened]... where again he must throw his queen into the fire to stave off mate, or at least a rook...

C'mon guys - after bxa3, Qa1 would checkmate at onceπŸ˜€
Nice game!

High Priest

The Volcano

19 Nov 03
10 Aug 04
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Originally posted by TovMauzer
C'mon guys - after bxa3, Qa1 would checkmate at onceπŸ˜€
Nice game!
Oh yea, that. πŸ™‚ Hey, it was several months ago, the game!

Of course, I don't recall seeing that much easier mate during the game either πŸ™„ -- leave it to me to calculate a mate in 4 when a mate in 1 would do.


11 Jul 03
10 Aug 04
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I'd like to see this thread alive, so I'll add another game: Game 501351 It was fast game (1 day T/O) and far from perfect, but interesting.

Hope to see more contribution in the topic - there are surely a lot of nice games played here.

a unique loser


08 Oct 03
11 Aug 04
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I will post a game in this thread. This is one of the best games I have ever played: Game 484125.

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