(chuckle-chuckle) 🙂
Looks like a minor sulk here.
To date the lad has only timed out 4 times in 3773 games.
He was more worried about you doubling Rooks on the 7th and missed the trick.
Black to move.
He played 30...Ra7?? 31,Rc8+ mate next move.
Clean and simple is 30..Ne4 31.dxe4 d5! and stroll home in the ending.
In a way it serves Black right for not putting the boot in here Black to play.
He played 25...Rexa2 instead 25...Raxa2 with the mating threat is crushing.
Originally posted by mcreynoldsWell. the story is a little embarrassing. I planned to finish this game on sunday before 15.00 hour. I had to leave home and wouldn't return to finish before today 15.00 hour, after I went to work. I had also a lot of other games waiting, which were more important of course.
Did you have a legitimate reason for timing out or did you just do it out of spite?
Unfortunately I had a problem at work and did not arrive in time at home.
I started RHP at 16.05 and found that at 15.57 I was timed out!
Not to blame my opponent; it is in the rules.