Originally posted by FixarNI have heard that it is used when you have quite a bit more skill than your opponent and is used to play him instead of playing the board like you would against someone your normal strength. Otherwise you probably know more than I do about it.
Any1 have any info about the Wing Gambit?
1.e4 c5 2.b4!?
Originally posted by FixarNIf 1. e4 c5 2. a3 then black just plays a5! which stops the wing gambit anyway (after 3. b4? then axb4 4. axb4 Rxa1).
I have made some research and it´s better to prepare the Gambit with 2.a3!?
Of course, if Black thinks he can handle it without 2... a5, then he can use the tempo to develop.
Originally posted by FixarNWhy play an inferior move? If you really must play b4, you may as well play it on move 1. My advice would be if you are so scared of facing the sicilian then play 1.d4 rather than trying to escape main line theory by playing third rate moves.
Any1 have any info about the Wing Gambit?
1.e4 c5 2.b4!?
My favourite players use 1.e4 and none of them duck from meeting and beating the sicilian head on