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worst move ever

worst move ever

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What is your worst move ever? (I've seen GM games with horrible moves, a few of which come to mind. ie Capablanca blundered away a piece in the opening!, Adams gave Nakamura a drawing move in a winning position, and neither of them saw it!) Or what winning positions have you resigned in? I'd like to hear responces. Also, someone else posted a site where Grandmasters have resigned easily winning positions (Kasparov resigned a drawn position). I looked through those and my favorite on is where a funny conversation takes place. If you want to see the position just go to: http://www.xs4all.nl/~timkr/chess2/resigntxt.htm#09
"This was the final position of a decisive last round game; by winning it White would have tied for the championship. According to the story, Keller said: 'It's over.'
'I prefer to play on a little,' Schlemmer said.
'No, I mean I'm resigning.'" They both thought they were losing! Keller should have thought a minute after Schlemmer asked to play on before saying 'I'm resigning'

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Well I've searched and searched. And I just can't find one. Sorry.

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Originally posted by Bowmann
Well I've searched and searched. And I just can't find one. Sorry.
Bowmann,I think that your worst move ever was when you registered here.

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Originally posted by Ravello
Bowmann,I think that your worst move ever was when you registered here.
LOL. The worst move I've made (not because it leads to an immediate mate, although it can) is in this position (I've posted this before):

white to move and lose.

Here I played Qb2?????? (a question mark for each queen I lose seems reasonable) In terms of losing material, not counting the king, can this move be matched?

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Originally posted by bobbob1056th
LOL. The worst move I've made (not because it leads to an immediate mate, although it can) is in this position (I've posted this before):

white to move and lose.[fen]3b2Q1/2nkpQ2/2rppp1Q/8/1Qn3Q1/3Q2b1/3PNQb1/3K4 b - - 0 1[/fen]

Here I played Qb2?????? (a question mark for each queen I lose seems reasonable) In terms of losing material, not counting the king, can this move be matched?
"the worst move I've made..." riiight

can I have to game ID for that game you played?

anyways, I have made several moves that led to a direct checkmate.

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I'd say the brilliant 1 f3, followed by g4 you posted about in the general forum would have to be the winner.


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I cannot post the position, but in a real time tournament, I sacked a rook to force a pertetual check, but my opponent (to my infinite shock and delight) did not realise he could take the sacked piece and believed me to be forcing mate and so thus resigned, giving me 3.5/5 in a tournament

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Originally posted by Ravello
Bowmann,I think that your worst move ever was when you registered here.
Interestingly, I agree.

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I must appologize, Coconut, as I am new to redhotpawn (bluecoldqueen?) the game I played is not on this site. Here is the pgn though: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Nc3 a6 4. Bc4 Bg4 5. O-O b5 6. Be6 fxe6 7. b3 h5 8. Bb2 Rh6 9. Nd5 Rf6 10. Nc7+ Kd7 11. Nd5 Rxf3 12. gxf3 Bh3 13. f4 a5 14. Qg4 Na6 15. Qf5 Rc8 16. Qxf8 Nf6 17. f5 Ng4 18. f6 Rc6 19. f7 b4 20. c3 h4 21. Rfe1 Qb6 22. Re3 Qb5 23. cxb4 c4 24. Rg3 hxg3 25. f4 c3 26. Re1 Nh6 27. Qg8 Bf5 28. f8=Q c2 29. h4 c1=B 30. h5 Ng4 31. h6 Bg6 32. Qf5 Qd3 33. b5 Qd4+ 34. Kf1 Qe5 35. Qh5 Bf7 36. b6 Qf5 37. exf5 Bxb2 38. b4 Ne3+ 39. Ke2 Nc4 40. Kd1 g2 41. b5 g1=B 42. b7 Bf2 43. Re3 a4 44. Rb3 axb3 45. b8=Q Bbd4 46. b6 Bg3 47. b7 Bb6 48. Qa7 Bd8 49. b8=Q+ Rc7 50. a4 Nb4 51. Qe2 Bh5 52. Nc3 Bf3 53. a5 Bg2 54. Qef2 Nd5 55. Qab6 Rc6 56. a6 b2 57. a7 b1=Q+ 58. Nxb1 Nc7 59. a8=Q Bh4 60. Nc3 Bg3 61. Ne4 Bh4 62. f6 Bg3 63. f7 Bh4 64. f8=Q Bg3 65. h7 Bh4 66. h8=Q Bg3 67. Qff7 Bh4 68. Qfh5 Bg3 69. f5 Bh4 70. f6 Bg3 71. f7 Bh4 72. Qa3 Bg3 73. Qd3 Bh4 74. Qbe3 Bg3 75. Qef3 Bh4 76. Qfg4 Bg3 77. Qb4 Bh4 78. Nf6+ gxf6 79. f8=N+ Kc8 80. Ng6 Kd7 81. Nf4 Bg3 82. Ne2 Bh4 83. Qh8h7 Bg3 84. Q7f7 Bh4 85. Qh6 Bg3 In this position I (accidentally?) blundered away 7 queens (or my king in 5 moves if my opponent so chooses, but he didn't) by playing Qb2?????? (this is one of three possible moves that lose the game)

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This is what I call a royal fork:

Although it is possible to fork the king and 6 queens (not seven, or else from what square would the knight move from? (and of course the king can't move into check)😉) I decided to post this instead. Black "only" wins one queen for a knight.

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I'm sure as a school kid I made all sorts of whopping blunders. Then came a few decades of not playing chess, before finding this site. At RHP, my worst move was surely the use of my knight to capture at move 8 of Game 710590. That move led to my opponent stripping my king plumb nekkid in the opening. I don't know if I could even have gotten a draw after that move.

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Check out this game! This GM makes the worst move on the board, the only move to allow mate in one!http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1069122

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Originally posted by bobbob1056th
This is what I call a royal fork: [fen]3b4/2nkp3/2rppp2/2Q1Q3/1Q3Q2/3n2b1/1Q1PKQb1/2Q1Q3 w - - 0 92[/fen]

Although it is possible to fork the king and 6 queens (not seven, or else from what square would the knight move from? (and of course the king can't move into check)😉) I decided to post this instead. Black "only" wins one queen for a knight.
With this, and your other post, claiming you blundered away quite a few queens in a move... i suppose you meant worst FANTASY move you could ever play? theres no way you ever played these in a game, and just making up an entire game to try and claim you did seems a bit pathetic to me

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Originally posted by welsharnie
With this, and your other post, claiming you blundered away quite a few queens in a move... i suppose you meant worst FANTASY move you could ever play? theres no way you ever played these in a game, and just making up an entire game to try and claim you did seems a bit pathetic to me

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Pual Dirac I think your worst move was Caslting too early in that game and dropping your center pawn. The second worse move was moving your rook away from protecting the fpawn, instead of developing a knight. Instead of castling,developing night would have been best also.

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