If you have had the same position on the board three times, technically the game should be a draw. However, RHP doesn't have a control that decides the game automatically. You must offer a draw to your opponent. You might want to explain your reason, as your opponent is under no obligation to accept your draw offer. I think most players familiar with official chess laws would agree and grant the draw. If your offer isn't accepted I guess you just have to adjust by accepting this rule deviation when playing at RHP. Good luck! 😵
Re: 'I think most players familiar with official chess laws would agree and grant the draw. If your offer isn't accepted I guess you just have to adjust by accepting this rule deviation when playing at RHP'
Dohhh... 2 words in there that make me cry..... most & deviation.
Oh well.........:'(
Remember, the the 3 repetions does not have to be in a sequeance, if the same position appears 3 times during the game, most commonly in the end game, it is a draw. But it can be accomplished if both players are starting the game with moving the same knights back and forth three times, and it's draw after 3 moves!!!😀
a.k.a. Luck