Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone on this site who lives close to Harrogate fancies playing a club game this coming Saturday afternoon?
It starts at 2.30pm
It's for my team (Doncaster)
Time controls are, I think, 1 hr 20 mins plus additional time after 32 moves... or something similar.
You'd have to make your own way there... I already have a car full, 5 people.
If anyone's interested please PM me and I'll provide address details.
You'll be reimbursed for travel expenses.
Thanks... sorry it's short notice, I've only just been notified!
I've had a couple responses on here saying they would play, just can't this weekend.
It's just too short notice, we'll have to default 1 board... Best win my game!
Most competitions have a rule that say if you know ahead of time that you're going to default a board, then it has to be the bottom board.
Many is the time that I've played in a match where the person who was supposed to play on the top board has mysteriously not turned up! In one case I found out a few days later that the person had moved out the area some weeks before!
Yes we defaulted our bottom board.
Didn't matter though, we still won 5.5 - 2.5 🙂
I was the only loss on our team apart from D. Fault..... wheeeeee!!!!