Thich Nhat Han once said that their is always a cloud in a piece of paper, can you explain how?
And a harder one, Charles Darwin said that Cat-Loving Spinsters make London one of the most pleasant places in the world to live. Hint: The answer has to do with flowers (forget allergies). Why are Cat-Loving Spinsters so integral to the beauty of London?
Originally posted by prosoccerWhat's a cloud?
Thich Nhat Han once said that their is always a cloud in a piece of paper, can you explain how?
And a harder one, Charles Darwin said that Cat-Loving Spinsters make London one of the most pleasant places in the world to live. Hint: The answer has to do with flowers (forget allergies). Why are Cat-Loving Spinsters so integral to the beauty of London?
Originally posted by PawnCurryThat could work, but Darwin had a different solution. You had everything right until clover, there you went wrong. Bees and this beautiful plant have a symbiotic relationship (probably gave it away). And if you get the last answer, that is all you need.
Spinsters love cats, so less mice, so more bees, so more clover, so more beef, so more sailors, so greater Naval prowess, so more trade, so more wealth?
Originally posted by prosoccerHow does "less mice" lead to "more bees"? Mice don't eat they?
That could work, but Darwin had a different solution. You had everything right until clover, there you went wrong. Bees and this beautiful plant have a symbiotic relationship (probably gave it away). And if you get the last answer, that is all you need.