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Bishop + Knight vs. Queen

Bishop + Knight vs. Queen

Posers and Puzzles

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White to play and win.

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Nice, pawn to c3 and the queen cannot move to a square that the knight cannot fork it with the king.
Edit: yes, the queen can take a pawn, but im sure c3 features somewhere in the solution, either first or in a move or so, with the effect of forcing a fork.
Edit 2. Does c3 Queen takes f4 g3 trap the queen? Im tired and cant visualise too well, and cant be bothered to imput the position onto a board.
Edit 3. Queen can escape onto the h file therefore pawn to h6, gxh6 c3 Qtakes pawn g3 traps queen i think.

Got there in the end?

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The white bishop and knight are superbly positioned. 1.h6! and white threatens either a promotion of the pawn or deadly knight forks after gxh6 2.c3! Qxf4 (only escape from a fork) g3! no escapes anymore 1-0.

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Correct solution.

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Originally posted by David113

White to play and win.
ok how did you incert the chess board on the fourm?

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Testing testing 123

rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1

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Originally posted by Ason Pigg2
ok how did you incert the chess board on the fourm?

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