@brrr saidit would have been nice to have a little commentary by you
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_and_knight_checkmateGame 13055535
otherwise what purpose was served
24 Mar 19
@brrr saidWhy the under promotion?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_and_knight_checkmateGame 13055535
@lemondrop said@Lemondrop: I'll provide one for your benefit. 😉
it would have been nice to have a little commentary by you
otherwise what purpose was served
Attacking King provides a corridor wall as well as defense for the bishop.
Knight covers the escape square.
Bishop delivers the mate.
Losing King cooperates by ending up in one of the two corners where he shouldn't go.
@Brrr: Kind of snarky to underpromote (especially to a bishop) and still win. Just showing off? 😉 Well done!