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Christams tree

Christams tree

Posers and Puzzles

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Black to move and mate in 2 moves!
There is a single answer!

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White's last move was c4 (not e4 since wBf1 had to get out and be captured by one of the black pawns). So: 1...b:c3 2.~ c2#.

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Originally posted by David113
White's last move was c4 (not e4 since wBf1 had to get out and be captured by one of the black pawns). So: 1...b:c3 2.~ c2#.
Yes, that's right. 🙂
But why must the Bf1 be captured by a pawn and not by an other black piece?

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Because there are 10 white pieces missing, and the black pawns made 10 captures.

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Originally posted by woodworm
[fen]8/3p4/3p4/2pPp3/1pPkPp2/1n1p1n2/P2p2P1/3K4 b - - 0 1[/fen]
Black to move and mate in 2 moves!
There is a single answer!
Dawson's tree makes the holiday rounds very well, even after all these years.

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