Originally posted by artplayerTake in a few more drinks than normal, doesnt necessarily have to be water or anything, just has to be a drinkable fluid of some sort, because the flow of the drinks down the trachea should wash the gum straight down to the stomach...
Yeah, I got a piece of Stride gum stuck in my throat a few days ago. I haven't figured out how to get it out, and if I can I'd rather avoid having to go to the doctors for it. I can breathe fine, so my conclusion is that it's lodged somewhere below my windpipe. Any ideas?
Or you could eat some bread. Sometimes bread will catch a piece of gum on the way down...
Originally posted by artplayerJust take it all in Stride. 😵
Yeah, I got a piece of Stride gum stuck in my throat a few days ago. I haven't figured out how to get it out, and if I can I'd rather avoid having to go to the doctors for it. I can breathe fine, so my conclusion is that it's lodged somewhere below my windpipe. Any ideas?
Originally posted by artplayerJust do what I said.
It's a very strange sensation, I can feel the piece of gum there, and I can't seem to do a lot about it, almost like it's stuck on something. But at the same time it's not choking me to death. This experience will likely put me off of gum forever.
Trust me...
I asked my mother, who is an RN.
(RN being Registered Nurse, for those who don't know.)
Originally posted by artplayerYou should really post this in the general forum. There are plenty of dingbats and fake M.D.'s just dying to get you to swallow a piece of broken glass or an apple seed or a money clip to try and dislodge it. If you want the best free medical advice on the web, look no further!
Actually I already gave it a try, and I appreciate the advice. I'll keep trying stuff, I even had the crazy idea of swallowing another piece of gum, but then I'm almost sure I'd choke to death.
I don't see how drinking would solve anything, given your confidence this gum is in the windpipe rather than the oesophagus. Past coughing, there's nothing you can do. Vomiting and heimlich manouvers should not be performed on a partial blockage. Just go see the doctor and it'll probably be quick.
Originally posted by Griddledad, is that you? 🙂
You should try swallowing a fly... I once knew a woman who swallowed a fly... man... with in hours of posting it in the forum.. she had a spider, a bird, a cat , a dog, two japanese fighting cocks and a monogolian mountain goat inside her... but hey...the fly had gone..