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Easy Mate in 3

Easy Mate in 3

Posers and Puzzles

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This puzzle will force some of the weaker players to think. Please just message me privately if you know the answer.
Black to play and Mate in 3.

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One person- kbaumen- has already posted me the answer. It IS easy.

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Thats because it is forced

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True... I'm not so advanced. PM me the answer then please.

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Question B) What would you play as Black in this situation?

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Originally posted by Alethia
Question B) What would you play as Black in this situation?
[fen]2k4r/1b5r/p1n1p3/3p2p1/2B2p2/2N3P1/P2P1P2/2R2RK1 b - - 0 1[/fen]

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Yes. I am getting quite depressed about how everyone finds these easy.

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Originally posted by Alethia
Yes. I am getting quite depressed about how everyone finds these easy.
They're easy because they're too forcing. Once the right first move is considered, the puzzle is solved instantly, because the losing side can't even put up any resistance.

Edit: This is why one rarely sees composed problems that start with a check, or with a move that takes a flight away from the enemy K. It's too obvious.

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Adding another one... If it works (there is no guarantee) then it should be one of my harder puzzles. White to play and mate.

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I know there are three knights.. one is a queened pawn, okay!
Here's one from a chess tutoring book which is amusing. White to mate in 2. Note: Now it has been outlawed, but at the time some German GM's lost a considerable sum of money after taking 5 minutes!

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Originally posted by Alethia
Adding another one... If it works (there is no guarantee) then it should be one of my harder puzzles. White to play and mate.
[fen]r1b1nrk1/1pq2p1p/p1N1PbNn/3p1P2/1P4N1/2Q3P1/1BP2PP1/R3KB1R w - - 0 1[/fen]
White can't give mate. In fact, neither side can, because the position is illegal.

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My earlier position needs to change- sorry. But how is the other position illegal?

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
White can't give mate. In fact, neither side can, because the position is illegal.
What about Qxf6?

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Qxf6 Nxf6
Bxf6 hxg6
Nxh6+ Kh7
Nxf7+ Kg8
I'm pretty sure there are other variations. I hope it works.

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Originally posted by Alethia
I know there are three knights.. one is a queened pawn, okay!
Here's one from a chess tutoring book which is amusing. White to mate in 2. Note: Now it has been outlawed, but at the time some German GM's lost a considerable sum of money after taking 5 minutes!
[fen]8/4P3/8/8/8/7R/1k6/4K2R w - - 0 1[/fen]
1.e8R! K~ 2.0-0-0-0-0-0 mate!!

Gotta love joke problems. 😛

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