Originally posted by ThudanBlunderI've always pronounced it with a hard g - like a 2 syllable word - but Chambers Dictionary agrees with your friend - the g is silent. If enough of us pronounce it our way for long enough, the dictionary will change accordingly.
How do you pronouce 'gnu'?
I say it has a hard 'g' but a friend claims it is silent and pronounced like 'new'.
Originally posted by Mixoits true that how people often use the word lets us know how it will be pronounced down the road(future) the word Knight is a good example. In Anglo-saxon times the word was pronounced with its K not being silent. ka-Night ... somewhere in the mix the K became silent... I cant remember where I heard this.- most likely in my English Lit. class.
I've always pronounced it with a hard g - like a 2 syllable word - but Chambers Dictionary agrees with your friend - the g is silent. If enough of us pronounce it our way for long enough, the dictionary will change accordingly.