Originally posted by David1131.Nc5! with seven threats: Ne6, Nd5, Nd3, Ne2, Rf7, Rd4, Rxc4.
[fen]7b/p2R2B1/rp4p1/pr4pp/PRb1NkBP/2N1p1pP/8/K7 w - - 0 1[/fen]
Mate in 2.
How many mate threats does the key move create?
Does that mean the solution has duals (more than one possible mate after a black defense)?
However, after any Black move, only one mate remains, so there are no duals.
1...Bxg7 2.Nd3#
1...bxc5 2.Rxc4#
1...Rxc5/Rxb4/axb4 2.Rd4#
1...gxh4 2.Ne6#
1...hxg4 2.Rf7#
1...e2 2.Nd5#
1...g2 2.Ne2#
All threats are realized in at least one variation.