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Not really a riddle but...

Not really a riddle but...

Posers and Puzzles

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... Perpetual Motion. When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its
feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands buttered side down.
Therefore, if a slice of toast is strapped to a cat's back, buttered side
up, and the animal is then dropped, the two opposing forces will cause
it to hover, spinning inches above the ground. If enough toast-laden
felines were used, they could form the basis of a high-speed monorail


ps(you may of seen this on Genius's profile thanks Alan)

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Nope. Drag (as well as any load on the system) would cause the cat/toast to slow down until
it stopped, hovering in mid-air with the toast and the cat both on their sides. To get the
system started again you could a) spin it yourself or b) lift the cat/toast and drop it again to
provide the necessary kinetic energy. The further you dropped them, the faster they would
spin, though there would be a limiting value at which the spinning causes the cat to pass out.

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Actually this is how bullet trains levitate. they try to tell everyone it's magnetism.....

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Where's the cat? I'll get back with you . Kirk

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That's what makes the high pitched train sound. And you thought it
was the whistle.

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LMAO! You took that one and ran with it. Good God, man, this is

PS. Did you guys know that the laws physics can be used to explain
why toast always falls butter side down? It's one of a number
of "Murphy's Laws" that have a real explaination.

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I thought Murphy's made oil soap to clean the floor with...ah...oh...I
get it! Murphy wants the toast to always fall butter side down so
consumers will buy their product! But, c'mon...Murphy's Law was a
movie. It's all done to make money, those Hollywood capitalists!!!


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Well, the original Murphy's law was created by an electrical engineer
who was fed up with the people working under him getting things
wrong. He said that if any system (such as a computer) can be wired
or connected improperly, it will be.

Murphy's Law of Non-Random Buttered Toast Distribution is explicable
because any piece of toast, when dropped from a table, usually has a
rotational speed within a certain range due to the way that it's
dropped. Also, tables have a certain standard height due to the shape
of the average human body. If a piece of toast is dropped with a
certain rotation (within a certain range) from a certain height, it will go
through a certain number of rotations before it lands. It just so
happens that it usually goes through an extra half rotation to land
butter-side down.

Thus, toast lands butter-side down because we are that height we are.
We are the height we are because, says the Christians, God made us
this way. This further proves my belief that God hates us.

So: Toast lands butter-side down because of the shape of the human
body. God created the human body. Ipso facto, God hates us.


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So does that mean that toast will always land butter side down? We
could drop it from our mouths as we bite into it, sending the toast
cascading down the shirt, across the lap, into the table leg, and then
to the floor. If that happens, God loves us and we're the screwups.


P.S. Murphy also said, "If ANYTHING can go wrong, it will go wrong."
But he was an incurable optimist, and believed that if we know all
things are messed up, we can take appropriate steps to stop the

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Actually, this explaination just applies to tabletop phenomenon. The
original Murphy's Law had to deal with electrical engineering. The rest
were added later and by other people.

Now ask me about Murphy's Law of Maps!


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is that Vaknso's brother?

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--Rein, who subscribes to the "stupid questions deserve stupid
answers" doctrine.

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Your post is unconvincing, but it does serve an unexpected purpose. I shall use the evidence you
put forward, not to examine the physics of falling toast, but rather to disprove the existance of
God. To wit: The Christians claim that God made us in his image. By extension the implication is
that God's toast also lands butter side down when dropped from a table. Such an assertion is
incompatible with the concept of a perfect and supreme being. If there is a heaven, it would go
without saying that God's toast would always land butter side up. If man is made in God's image
then it should follow that his toast would land the same way. But Murphy's law shows us that quite
the opposite is the case, which demonstrates quite convincingly that God does not exist 😉

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that is nonsense. You have not understood the cosmic value of the
osmosis between the butter and the ground. go back to school.

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You presume that God thinks butter-side up is right and/or correct.
This may, of course, simply be a silly human perception. Consistent
evidence, in fact, would indicate that butter-side down is indeed
correct, Godly, and that Murphy's law may well be a way of correcting
the wrongs humans introduce into God's system. I will also note that
men seem to instinctively know this (WRT buttered-toast) and
immediately invoke the 5-second rule!

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