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PG in 18.0 moves [3/3]

PG in 18.0 moves [3/3]

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PG in 18.0 moves
[Produce a legal chess game that reaches this position after Black's 18th move]

[Yes, the wK is really on e6...]

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1. Nf3 h5 2. Ne5 Rh6 3. f3 Rc6 4. Kf2 d6 5. Nd7 (To protect the wK from check) e5 6. Ke3 Be7 7. Kd3 (must lose tempo) Bh4 8. Ke4 Qg5 9. Kd5 f6 10. Ke6 Kd8 11. Kf7 Rc5 12. Nf8 (and now the N must go back) c6 13. Ng6 Kc7 14. Nf4 Kb6 15. Nh3 Ka5 16. Ng1 b6 17. h3 Ba6 18. Ke6 g6

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Originally posted by David113
1. Nf3 h5 2. Ne5 Rh6 3. f3 Rc6 4. Kf2 d6 5. Nd7 (To protect the wK from check) e5 6. Ke3 Be7 7. Kd3 (must lose tempo) Bh4 8. Ke4 Qg5 9. Kd5 f6 10. Ke6 Kd8 11. Kf7 Rc5 12. Nf8 (and now the N must go back) c6 13. Ng6 Kc7 14. Nf4 Kb6 15. Nh3 Ka5 16. Ng1 b6 17. h3 Ba6 18. Ke6 g6
Composer: Rustam Ubaidullaev

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