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Problem in few acts - Sam Lloyd

Problem in few acts - Sam Lloyd

Posers and Puzzles

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Story says that in year 1671, on some hill near Bender, Charles XII and his general Grothousen were playing chess during the battle with Turks. In this position

Charles (w) announced mate in 3 moves. But, before he made his first move, a turkish bullet took his knight.
He though a bit, and announced mate in 4. But, another bullet took his h2 pawn away
Now, after short thinking, he announced mate in 5.
His opponent asked what if in starting position bullet took his rook?
He answered that then mate would be in 6 moves.
Can you find all those mates?

Excuse me if someone already posted this problem.

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Originally posted by GovnarSmrti
Story says that in year 1671, on some hill near Bender, Charles XII and his general Grothousen were playing chess during the battle with Turks. In this position

[fen]8/6R1/7p/5K1k/8/6p1/5bPP/4N3 w - - 0 1[/fen]

Charles (w) announced mate in 3 moves. But, before he made his first move, a turkish bullet took his knight.
He though a bit, and announce ...[text shortened]... ves.
Can you find all those mates?

Excuse me if someone already posted this problem.
I would first like to say I love Sam Loyd. He's just so brilliant. I'd kiss him if he weren't so dead. Onto the problem:
a - Rxg3, threatening rh3#. bxg3, nf3 and g4#
b - hg, bd4, rg4, bf6, rh4+, bxr, g4#

I can't crack the others quite yet.

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Originally posted by GovnarSmrti
Story says that in year 1671, on some hill near Bender, Charles XII and his general Grothousen were playing chess during the battle with Turks. In this position

[fen]8/6R1/7p/5K1k/8/6p1/5bPP/4N3 w - - 0 1[/fen]

Charles (w) announced mate in 3 moves. But, before he made his first move, a turkish bullet took his knight.
He though a bit, and announce ...[text shortened]... ves.
Can you find all those mates?

Excuse me if someone already posted this problem.
a) 1.Rxg3 [threat 2.Rh3+ Bh4 3.g4] 1...Bxg3 2.Nf3 ~ 3.g4#
b) 1.hxg3 [threat 2.Rg4 ~ 3.Rh4+ Bxh4 4.g4] 1...Bxg3 2.Rxg3 ~ 3.Rh3#
c) 1.Rb7! [not 1.Rd7 Bd4] 1...Bg1 2.Rb1 Bh2 3.Re1 Kh4 4.Kg6 ~ 5.Re4# or 1...Be3 2.Rb1 Bg5 3.Rh1+ Bh4 4.Rh2! gxh2 5.g4#

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
a) 1.Rxg3 [threat 2.Rh3+ Bh4 3.g4] 1...Bxg3 2.Nf3 ~ 3.g4#
b) 1.hxg3 [threat 2.Rg4 ~ 3.Rh4+ Bxh4 4.g4] 1...Bxg3 2.Rxg3 ~ 3.Rh3#
c) 1.Rb7! [not 1.Rd7 Bd4] 1...Bg1 2.Rb1 Bh2 3.Re1 Kh4 4.Kg6 ~ 5.Re4# or 1...Be3 2.Rb1 Bg5 3.Rh1+ Bh4 4.Rh2! gxh2 5.g4#
Question: does ~ mean any move?

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Originally posted by EinsteinMind
Question: does ~ mean any move?
It means "random".

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
It means "random".

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