Here's some slang I am familiar with. Some is well known, some may be localized to inner city Los Angeles. Who can define them without looking them up?
Angel Dust
Apple Bottom
(to) Blaze
(to) Fly Colors
(to) Front
(to) Keep it on the Low Down
Originally posted by AThousandYoungweed- marijuana
Here's some slang I am familiar with. Some is well known, some may be localized to inner city Los Angeles. Who can define them without looking them up?
Angel Dust
Apple Bottom
(to) Blaze
(to) Fly Colors
(to) Front
(to) Keep it on the Low Down
I'll have a go:
Angel Dust - PCP
Apple Bottom
(to) Blaze
Bud - Beer
Chill - relax
Crew - chums, folk you hang out with
Dude - man
(to) Fly Colors - show affilation to ?
Fly - hip, cool, happening
Fool - opposite of above, someone worthy of derision
(to) Front - put it on, make yourself appear harder / tougher than you are.
Groovy - cool, funky, fashionable. A good thing
Homie - 'home boy', someone from your neightbourhood
Hood - abbreviation of neighbourhood. Local area, home turf
(to) Keep it on the Low Down - keep quiet about something, keep a secret (?)
Popped - shot? I know 'pop a cap' is t o shoot someone
Posse - gang, crew etc. folk you hang with.
Sweet - a general term for a good thing
Tight - someone who is tight is a really good friend
Wasted - incapacitated by alcohol or drugs
Weed - mara-juhana
How did I do? Am I down wit' the homies, or a jive-talkin' crazy fool?
Angel Dust - PCP
Apple Bottom
Blasted - being high (marijuana)
(to) Blaze - to get high (marijuana)
Brownie - brownie prepared with marijuana butter
Bud - marijuana
Chill - relaxed; hanging out
Cholo - slur for person of mexican descent or used to describe someone affiliated with certain encapsulated qualities of said slur
Crew - you niche of friends
Dude - sup bro
Faded - really drunk
(to) Fly Colors - hallucinogens?
Fly - getting high (marijuana)
Fool - similar as dude, friendly connotation usually the l is omitted
(to) Front - getting something on credit or a tab to pay back later, usually associated with a drug deal
Groovy - something cool
Homie - friend
Hood - neighborhood
(to) Keep it on the Low Down - keepin it chill, not drawing attention or under wraps
Popped - taking pills (ecstascy?)
Posse - look up crew
Post - place where people hang out, or to post which is to hang out somewhere
Sweet - something cool
Tight - something cool
Wasted - really drunk
Weed - marijuana
Angel Dust - Some sort of illicit drug. PCP sounds about right.
Apple Bottom - Lower Manhattan sounds about right
Blasted - Under the influence of a drug, probably an upper; frustrating or annoying
(to) Blaze - speed, move quickly
Brownie - girl scout
Bud - beer; close friend
Chill - relax, loaf around
Cholo - ??? indicates a person, I think it is an insult.
Crew - community of clique/gang
Dude - male; interjection of surprise or sympathy ("wow" or "not cool"😉
Faded - ??? possibly "passed out"? Could be "dead".
(to) Fly Colors - to fly the American flag
Fly - Cool, fashionable
Fool - insult, sometimes used jokingly of friends
(to) Front - to set up for fund a deal or project,
Groovy - Cool! I like this!
Homie - Member of clique/gang
Hood - Neighborhood
(to) Keep it on the Low Down - keep fairly quiet and inconspicuous
Popped - Ingested, probably a drug in pill or drink form.
Posse - your clique/gang
Post - Look out for trouble during an operation.
Sweet - I like this! Cool!
Tight - in good standing with
Wasted - high on a drug, probably a downer
Weed - marijuana
Angel Dust - PCP
Chill - relax
Crew - chums, folk you hang out with
Dude - man
(to) Fly Colors - show affilation to ?
Fly - hip, cool, happening
(to) Front - put it on, make yourself appear harder / tougher than you are.
Groovy - cool, funky, fashionable. A good thing
Homie - 'home boy', someone from your neightbourhood
Hood - abbreviation of neighbourhood. Local area, home turf
(to) Keep it on the Low Down - keep quiet about something, keep a secret (?)
Popped - shot? I know 'pop a cap' is t o shoot someone
Posse - gang, crew etc. folk you hang with.
Sweet - a general term for a good thing
Tight - someone who is tight is a really good friend
Wasted - incapacitated by alcohol or drugs
Weed - mara-juhana
That's all roughly correct. I had something a little more specific in mind with respect to to Fly Colors. Tight is not quite right, but close enough.
Correct about On the Low Down, but that definition led to a more specific definition later.
Bud - Beer - Nope! I mean, it's a brand name of cheap beer, yes, but that's not the bud I meant.
Fool - opposite of above, someone worthy of derision - Nope.
Angel Dust - Some sort of illicit drug. PCP sounds about right.
Blasted - Under the influence of a drug, probably an upper; frustrating or annoying
Bud - beer; close friend
Chill - relax, loaf around
Crew - community of clique/gang
Dude - male; interjection of surprise or sympathy ("wow" or "not cool"
(to) Fly Colors - to fly the American flag
Groovy - Cool! I like this!
Homie - Member of clique/gang
Hood - Neighborhood
(to) Keep it on the Low Down - keep fairly quiet and inconspicuous
Posse - your clique/gang .
Sweet - I like this! Cool!
Tight - in good standing with
Wasted - high on a drug, probably a downer
Weed - marijuana
Blasted is correct, but it has an alternate slang meaning too!
(to) Blaze - speed, move quickly - Nope.
Brownie - girl scout - Nope
Bud is correct, but I had a different, more slangy slang definition in mind.
Chill is correct but there is another meaning too.
Cholo - ??? indicates a person, I think it is an insult. - Close, but no.
Faded - Nope.
Fly Colors - Not quite, but close.
Fly - Cool, fashionable - yeah, but not quite what I had in mind...close though.
Fool - insult, sometimes used jokingly of friends - close, but not quite.
(to) Front - to set up for fund a deal or project - Nope.
Popped - Ingested, probably a drug in pill or drink form. - Nope.
Post - Look out for trouble during an operation. - Close but not exactly what I had in mind.
Tight - in good standing with - Yeah, but there's a similar but alternate definition.