Fairy stipulation, fairy pieces, fairy board & fairy condition!
Helpstalemate in 4 moves.
piece at f3=camel; pieces at a1,f1=zebras
vertical cylinder
Helpstalemate - like helpmate but with stalemate instead of mate: black plays first, the two sides cooperate, after white's 4th move black should be stalemated.
camel - like knight, but moves 1 square vertically or horizontally and then 3 in an orthogonal direction, instead of the usual 1 and then 2.
zebra - like knight, but moves 2 squares vertically or horizontally and then 3 in an orthogonal direction, instead of the usual 1 and then 2.
both camel & zebra can jump over obstacles, like the usual knight.
vertical cylinder - the a- and h-files are connected - imagine the board is wrapped over a vertical cylinder. Example: a queen on d8 can move to c7, and when continuing in the same direction it goes d8-c7-b6-a5-h4-g3-f2-e1.
Circe - see here: http://www.janko.at/Retros/Glossary/Circe.htm