What I can see as a try is (since Black threatens to force perpetual check via 1...Rab2+ 2.K~ Ra2+ and so on) 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 2.Rf8+ Kg7 3.b8Q! Rab2+ 4.Ka4 Ra2+ 5.Kb5 Rab2+ Ka6 6.Ra2+ Kb7 7.Rab2+ Ka8 and White should win. Alas 1.Rg8+ Kf6! 2.Rg6!+ Kf5! leads only to draw. How very unfortunate...
Hmm, I have a really good puzzle (found it in Kasparyan's "Remarkable studies" )
EDIT: Ah, yes, White to play and win, of course
Originally posted by ilywrinWhite has to capture both Black pawns without losing one of his pieces.
Hmm, I have a really good puzzle (found it in Kasparyan's "Remarkable studies" )
[fen]8/7K/8/3p4/7B/4p2N/8/1k6 [/fen]
EDIT: Ah, yes, White to play and win, of course
Therefore it has to take them with knight and bishop or find a way to block them so the King can come to assist.
1. Nf4
a) if 1.. d4 2. Bf6
a1.) 2.. d3 3. Nxd3 Kc2 4. Nf4 Kd2 5. Bh4 e2 6. Ng2 Kd3 Kg6 7. Bf2 Ke4 8. Ne1 leading to a position that blocks the Black King so that the White King can come to assist.
a2.) 2.. e2 3. Nd3 Kc2 4. Ne1+ Kd2 5. Bh4 d3 6. Kg6 Kc3 (6.. Ke3 7. Bg5+) 7. Bd8 d2 8. Ba5+ (most tricky line)
b) if 1.. Kc2 2. Nxd5 Kd2 3. Nf4 e2 4. Ng2 rest like in a1
c) if 1.. e2 2. Nxd5 Kc2 3. Nf4 Kd2 4. Ng2 rest like in a1
If Black plays different it will allow White's king to get into the action.
So I guess the basic idea was to win the d-pawn first (except for line a2), then build a blockade with knight and bishop to prevent the e-pawn from promoting.
Well that was rather easy, so I'm not sure if it was all correct 🙂
Originally posted by ilywrin.---- .-.-.- -.- ..-. .....
Now I have the haunting suspicion Mephisto may be right after all:
1.Rg8+!? Kf6 2.Rg6+!! Kf5! 3.Rg5+! Kf6 4.Rb5!! and wins.
As for the solution quite right, crazyblue. I'll post another one (this one is trickier):
White to play and draw
Originally posted by ilywrinyour solution is wrong, and Mephisto has provided me with 4 wrong solutions so far.
Now I have the haunting suspicion Mephisto may be right after all:
1.Rg8+!? Kf6 2.Rg6+!! Kf5! 3.Rg5+! Kf6 4.Rb5!! and wins.
what if black plays 2. ...fxg6 ?
I don't think you both are grasping the point of the puzzle completely.