Originally posted by doodinthemoodWhen joke problems collide!
That wouldn't make it black's turn, and so technically it couldn't even be check yet. To make this valid, it will have to be the second half of an already played first half-move.
Tolosa (year?)
White mates in half a move
Lift wK in the air, discovering check and mate. Do not set the King down, or Black can move out of check.
Originally posted by doodinthemoodI found it, I found it!!!
in half a move.[fen]8/1P6/3PpPK1/1R1pkp1R/1Q4p1/1Nb1r1P1/3nN1n1/8[/fen]
Puzzle by doodinthemood.
The whole move is to turn the board on whole turn, 360 degrees.
Tha half move is to turn it half a turn, 180 degrees and then the black king is already in mate.
Didn't I, didn't I???