Originally posted by TDR11) Fill 3g and pour into 5g (now has 3g in it).
you have a 5 gallon jug and a 3 gallon jug. you also have an infinite supply of water. explain the steps need to get 4 gallons of water into the 5 gallon jug. And you must have EXACTLY 4 gallons.
2) Fill 3g and pour into 5g (only has 2g left), leaving 1g in 3g.
3) Empty 5g.
4) Pour 1g from 3g into 5g (now has 1g in it).
5) Fill 3g and pour into 5g (now has 4g in it).
Not too hard:
1. Fill the 3 gallon jug and pour into the 5 gallon jug.
2. Fill the 3 gallon jug again and pour into the 5 gallon jug until full.
(You now have exactly one gallon in the 3 gallon jug)
3. Empty the 5 gallon jug and pour the 1 gallon from the 3 gallon jug to the 5 gallon jug.
4. Fill the 3 gal jug and pour into the 5 gallon jug
You now have exactly 4 gallons in the 5 gallon jug.🙂