Originally posted by sonhouseAt least drinking tea is a choice. The amount of fluoride we ingest now compared to 50 years ago is shocking. One third of kids in US will have
I dislike coffee and drink tea exclusively. Now I have to wonder what my flouride levels are. I hate cheap supermarket tea though. My brand so far is Red Rose and Constant Comment.
some dental fluorosis before 18.
And we add it to our water!
Originally posted by Metal BrainHaving read that article I feel that there is a word missing from your post.
There is a link between fluoride and bone cancer. Be careful.
As in there MIGHT be a link between fluoride and cancer.
There is also a link between toast and cancer.
And bacon, and ham, and...
What that article is saying is that there is a yet to be peer reviewed dissertation paper
that suggests with an unspecified level of confidence that there is an unspecified increase
in risk of a vary rare form of an already very rare disease.
Childhood cancer is very rare (circa 150 cases per million in the uk, or 0.015😵
the cancer of this study accounts for 3% of childhood cancers (0.00045% of kids)
So even if this caused a massive 50% increase in risk of kids getting this cancer
you are talking about an extra 0.000225% of kids getting cancer.
Or 2.25 kids per million. Or at a mortality rate of 50% 1 extra child death per million kids.
Assuming (and it's a big assumption) as I say that this causes a massive 50% increase in risk.
Now I personally don't believe in fluoridation of the water supply as it means those of us that
use fluoride toothpaste get a double dose. And fluoride can certainly cause health issues in
large enough doses.
But the article you linked to is lacking in perspective. And almost all of the relevant details.
Originally posted by googlefudgeOne thing about that article: It says flouride is a necessary nutrient. Did you see that bit? I don't think it is needed by the body for anything, but we use it because it happens to make it a bit more difficult for bacteria to cause cavities.
Having read that article I feel that there is a word missing from your post.
As in there MIGHT be a link between fluoride and cancer.
There is also a link between toast and cancer.
And bacon, and ham, and...
What that article is saying is that there is a yet to be peer reviewed dissertation paper
that suggests with an unspecifie ...[text shortened]... t the article you linked to is lacking in perspective. And almost all of the relevant details.
Originally posted by sonhouse"but we use it because it happens to make it a bit more difficult for bacteria to cause cavities."
One thing about that article: It says flouride is a necessary nutrient. Did you see that bit? I don't think it is needed by the body for anything, but we use it because it happens to make it a bit more difficult for bacteria to cause cavities.
What is your source of information?
Originally posted by wolfgang59The Nazies used it to sedate the prisoners. It is basically industrial waste that was sold to the public as being good for teeth. Now there is a lot more they add to drinking water and the public thinks that they just fluoridate it.
At least drinking tea is a choice. The amount of fluoride we ingest now compared to 50 years ago is shocking. One third of kids in US will have
some dental fluorosis before 18.
And we add it to our water!
Originally posted by googlefudgeYou mean like all the tobacco companies said "might" cause cancer?
Having read that article I feel that there is a word missing from your post.
As in there MIGHT be a link between fluoride and cancer.
There is also a link between toast and cancer.
And bacon, and ham, and...
What that article is saying is that there is a yet to be peer reviewed dissertation paper
that suggests with an unspecifie ...[text shortened]... t the article you linked to is lacking in perspective. And almost all of the relevant details.
One thing is certain, there are no health benefits from fluoride. It does NOT help prevent tooth decay as is often claimed. It is actually harmful to your teeth because it can cause dental fluorosis. It is also used as rat poison.
Fluoride is an industrial waste, especially from the aluminum industry. Aluminum is always bonded with other elements and fluorine bonds well with it. Stalin used it to make prisoners docile in the GULAG and Hitler decided to do the same in the concentration camps. It makes people submissive and compliant. It also sterilizes people so the Jews could not reproduce in the doses they were given by the NAZIs. It was part of their eugenics program.
Look on your tube of toothpaste and see what you should do if your child swallows their toothpaste. That should be a good clue not to dismiss the things I wrote here.
The article is obviously written by a Journalist.
The Synopsis is, that tea leafes do concentrate flouride. The older the leaf the more flouride accumulated.
The links to maximal alowable intake are weak at best. Sadly enough Flouride Body chemistry is not too well understood, also due to the very low amounts normally ingested. Flouride Ends up mostly in teetha dn bones forming apathite. This is why flourination of water and of salt is advocated by some. In germayn maximal uptake is et to 20 mg/day in an adult. So the 10 mg/l in cheap tea is not really alarming.
The Assertion that flourides are indutsrial waste and is just given to the populace Needs substantation.