the link says;
"when people say "the climate changed before"
these are the changes they are talking about "
and then shows the graph for temperature changes that shows a clear recent rise above that for the last few thousand years.
I have noticed that some man-made global warming deniers basically say "the climate changed before" as part of an implied false inference that because many such past changes were natural, the most recent change cannot be man made. The problem with that false inference is that there is no logical contradiction between past climate changes being entirely natural and the most recent change being mainly man made thus rendering there being entirely natural past climate changes completely irrelevant.
No doubt the man-made global warming deniers will idiotically try and counter that link's graph by pointing out the irrelevant fact that, if you go back far enough in time, you well encounter a time when the climate was well above today's temperature but well before man made influences, with the implied false inference that that means the most recent rise in temperature must be mainly natural in its cause; again, there is no contradiction between past climate changes being entirely natural and the most recent change being mainly man made thus rendering there being such a past high temperature period before man made influences completely irrelevant.
Originally posted by finneganIt all comes down to this term.
This timeline of Earth's average temperature illustrates things well, allowing a better grasp of what is meant by global warming.
Scared yet?
"Primary Cause".
Nobody educated about this subject denies global warming or even anthropogenic global warming. The big question is which is the "primary cause", nature or man?
This global warming trend started over 300 years ago so record warm months or years recently does not prove it is man that is the primary cause. Climate scientists have never been polled using the term "primary cause", so the debate goes on without a consensus as some falsely claim exists.
Why has there never been a poll to show this? Because the liars who want you to be alarmed do not have enough confidence to follow through with it and get the result they would like. They are cowards!