I worked on Apollo, my job was Apollo tracking and timing. Don't need to go into the tracking part but the timing part was 3 clocks, two atomic clocks and one temp controlled quartz clock which timed the switch from one radio telescope to another that had to happen within 100 nanoseconds so data would transfer from one scope to another since any one scope would lose signal because it goes below the horizon visible to the moon.
Anyway, one thing we noticed when there were a room of several of them which was one of the first ways to get a better time hack by averaging a bunch of them together but they found if the things were in the same room close to each other, they started synchronizing to each other so they found they had to locate the clocks in separate rooms out of the reach of whatever the sync mechanism was doing.
In the end they just decided on one at a time which for a cesium beam atomic clock was way accurate enough to just get the signals from Apollo to switch to the newest radio telescope so data flowed without error at least from the switching operation, which like I said, had to be done in one tenth of a microsecond, 100 nanoseconds and the system just had the primary atomic clock (Hewlett Packard off the shelf jobs) and a Rubidium clock not as accurate but just for backup and a tertiary clock of very well regulated quartz crystal like what we have in our present day digital watches but a lot more accurate. But it was funny how a bunch of them would sync together if they were too close to one another.
@jj-adams saidI wonder why this guy misstated the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Why do things synchronize for no apparent reason?
I'm a fan of Veritasium and have watched a lot of his videos but that was a careless mischaracterization of the 2nd Law commonly made by creationists.
@jj-adams saidDoes the video not give any explanation? I haven't watched it, but often it's to do with resonance states and dynamics modeled by principles of perturbation theory.
Why do things synchronize for no apparent reason?
@soothfast saidYes, it explains things.
Does the video not give any explanation? I haven't watched it, but often it's to do with resonance states and dynamics modeled by principles of perturbation theory.
@jj-adams saidhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/synchronicity
You are confusing some kind of hippy metaphysical concept with the scientific one.
"Many modern researchers regard the study of synchronicity as pseudoscience."
Synchronicity *is* a hippy metaphysical concept.
@vivify saidFrom the article you posted:
"Many modern researchers regard the study of synchronicity as pseudoscience."
Synchronicity *is* a hippy metaphysical concept.
"Synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate—and seemingly unrelated—experiences as being meaningfully intertwined,"
So you were talking about a totally different hippy BS thing, not the actual scientific synchronization effect we're discussing here.
Watch the video and learn something.
@jj-adams saidI watched the vid and I agree that natural forces can cause certain objects or events to synchronize in various ways.
From the article you posted:
"Synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate—and seemingly unrelated—experiences as being meaningfully intertwined,"
So you were talking about a totally different hippy BS thing, not the actual scientific synchronization effect we're discussing here.
Watch the video and learn something.
But you being a hardcore conservative, I assumed you were trying to use this as some point for intelligent design.
@vivify saidNot at all.
I watched the vid and I agree that natural forces can cause certain objects or events to synchronize in various ways.
But you being a hardcore conservative, I assumed you were trying to use this as some point for intelligent design.
Take your contrary nonsense back to the Debate forum.
@vivify saidOK you watched the video, so you knew what it was about, WHY did you feel the need to bring up synchronicity as being something entirely different and say it doesn't exist except in the psychological sense and is psuedo-science blah blah blah?
Why? This is the forum where the merits of ID has been debated.
Why? What is wrong with you?
@jj-adams saidI posted that before finishing the video and because conservatives like you often share unscientific beliefs.
OK you watched the video, so you knew what it was about, WHY did you feel the need to bring up synchronicity as being something entirely different and say it doesn't exist except in the psychological sense and is psuedo-science blah blah blah?
Why? What is wrong with you?