It has been shown when doctors are given money by big pharm, big surprise, they prescribe brand name drugs when there are generic alternatives.
This piece talks about Gabapentin's used to treat effects related to diabetes, this family of drugs includes Lyrica which my wife takes to help with diabetes related pain.
However, in her case, she tried what alternatives were said to do the job of Lyrica but they didn't work for her.
So for us we just have to look out for overdosing effects but the main gist remains, docs getting money from big pharm write script for those big pharm drugs.
What a startling revelation, eh. Who would have known.
@wolfe63 saidYep, just what the country needs, IRA and big Pharm dictating policy....
Big Pharma have the AMA and Congress in their pocket.
Don't look for drug prices in the U.S. to come down until this generation of retiring baby-boomers start to feel the real pain caused by 40 years of apathy.