@sonhouse saidThe science seems sound but my guess is that conclusion was thrown in at the end for impact. It's a big study but a 28% reduced likelihood of a positive lab test result? Just wear a mask and you'll reduce your likelihood by 70%.
"...melatonin usage (odds ratio [OR] = 0.72, 95% CI 0.56–0.91) is significantly associated with a 28% reduced likelihood of a positive laboratory test result for SARS-CoV-2..."
I'm not sure when the results of this trial will be published...
but the results will be much more revealing.
@sonhouse saidI saw that pistachio nuts have melatonin but when I looked up the amount and it is reported they have some 600 NANOgrams per gram or 600 parts in a billion.
I guess the point there is doing both makes it easier if you do get C19.
You would have to eat a quarter pound of the stuff to get the 1/3 of a milligram the body produces, say 300 odd micrograms.
There was a study done by MIT showing the amount of melatonin used and generated by healthy adults is like I said, about 1/3 of a milligram but the doses sold in stores is ten to 50 times that, which just floods the system with melatonin for no good reason. I have to look to find even half milligram doses, instead, they sell 3 milligram and 5 and ten mg. In spite of the MIT work. 300 MICROGRAMS is what we produce and they want to force us to take ten THOUSAND micrograms.
I guess that is what advertising does. Anything to make a buck.