Can something like cement kilns be the answer to our garbage problem?
I remember hearing once that they burn so hot they break waste down to molecular level.
Apparently anything flammable can be thrown in there and not too much pollutants escape.
I don't really know too much about chemistry etc. to comment on this - Does anyone know if this is even remotely true?
Originally posted by CrowleyThere are already power plants run on garbage. Here is one such plan:
Can something like cement kilns be the answer to our garbage problem?
I remember hearing once that they burn so hot they break waste down to molecular level.
Apparently anything flammable can be thrown in there and not too much pollutants escape.
I don't really know too much about chemistry etc. to comment on this - Does anyone know if this is even remotely true?
Originally posted by CrowleyNot likely.
Can something like cement kilns be the answer to our garbage problem?
I remember hearing once that they burn so hot they break waste down to molecular level.
Apparently anything flammable can be thrown in there and not too much pollutants escape.
I don't really know too much about chemistry etc. to comment on this - Does anyone know if this is even remotely true?
Even when you burn the stuff, you end up with ash at the bottom that needs to be disposed...and the burning process causes the garbage to turn from non-hazardous into hazardous material and must be dumped at a haz-waste landfill...not too many of those around.
I can give you a 1800 number if you want more info...ask for darv!