Well MY spin coater can only handle a single wafer, in our case, a rectangle about 110X150 odd mm and it takes maybe one minute to cycle. So with THAT machine, running 24/7 60 per hour, assuming the dam thing doesn't break, 1440 or so a day per machine.
That is 128 cm^2 per wafer, times 1440 is about 18 square meters per day per machine. Call it 20 meter ^2 per day.
Or maybe 7000 M^2 per year per machine.
Seems to work out to 14 megawatts per year per machine, counting cells at 20% efficient.
Of course there would be more machines for every wafer coming off the spin coater, other coating like protective coatings but if you have 1000 of those machines you are pumping out some 14 Gigawatts per year.
Anyway, my two Baht analysis.
I imagine they would have to develop a coating machine more akin to a newspaper production line, roll to roll affair.
That is when things look up for real.