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Gross sensory input II

Gross sensory input II


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I am aware of the special place we occupy presently--being able to see, and or feel, touch, stars, planets, cats, etc. But I read somewhere that the typical (most frequently occuring) place in the cosmos would be very far from anything else and no matter, ie stars, etc. Nothing could be seen. How can that be, I can see Andromeda on a clear night?

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Originally posted by patauro
I am aware of the special place we occupy presently--being able to see, and or feel, touch, stars, planets, cats, etc. But I read somewhere that the typical (most frequently occuring) place in the cosmos would be very far from anything else and no matter, ie stars, etc. Nothing could be seen. How can that be, I can see Andromeda on a clear night?
The universe is so mind bogglingly gigantic that if you and Andromeda were both inside the same grain of sand, the universe may very well be bigger than a million Sahara deserts.

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Originally posted by patauro
How can that be, I can see Andromeda on a clear night?
I journeyed out on a beam of light
beyond the way that led my youth
to gaudy realms of knowledge and

I came ashore in wonderment of
the firmament above; or below as
makes no difference. Then considered
the journey amidst the dark.

In truth came I to rest alone.
Journey ended and aware of
time; in a strange sense killed.

I ended my wondering at the
universe too large to share
itself in full; to whet my tiny

Was the journey good? What
use have I of other than that?
I know nothing.
And at last I know.
How can that be?

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Originally posted by patauro
I am aware of the special place we occupy presently--being able to see, and or feel, touch, stars, planets, cats, etc. But I read somewhere that the typical (most frequently occuring) place in the cosmos would be very far from anything else and no matter, ie stars, etc. Nothing could be seen. How can that be, I can see Andromeda on a clear night?
Our place in the universe is not particularly special. There are places like ours all over the universe. The laws of natures are the same allover. Civilizations all over the universe are struggling with the same kind of existential questions.

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