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Missing link, Tiktaalik, neck and limbs:

Missing link, Tiktaalik, neck and limbs:


1 edit

https://www.google.com/[WORD TOO LONG]

I wonder what creationists say about this discovery? Always deny missing links but here is a clear one.

Fish NEVER have necks.


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Originally posted by sonhouse
https://www.google.com/[WORD TOO LONG]

I wonder what creationists say about this discovery? Always deny missing links but here is a clear one.

Fish NEVER have necks.

You guys will latch on to about anything to convince yourself of missing link finds. How pitiful.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
You guys will latch on to about anything to convince yourself of missing link finds. How pitiful.
You'll latch on to about anything to convince yourself that you're not a blinkered, brainwashed, indoctrinated cultist. How pitiful.

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Just a thought - can we possibly consolidate the creation vs. evolution debate into one thread, the forum seems to be dominated by it at the moment and to be honest it's a little tedious.

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