I am always surprised when small molecules are created, which have been said to be impossible to exist.
Teh article reports the synthesis of Methanediol, and its caharcterization. The molecule could play a role in the chemistry of the high atmospehere and its infrered signature had been found earlier.
Of course the molecule is highly instable, authors give the lifetime as above 7 Mikroseconds at 200 K...
Can it exist at lower temperatures? maybe longer lifetime at 100K? All the way to TEN microseconds🙂
@sonhouse saidIt can most probably exist...the trick is to make it in the first place and you need some energy to do it, so unless you make two interesting radicals store them don to very low temperature and then mate them...But that is awfully difficult to mke one molecule at a time.
Can it exist at lower temperatures? maybe longer lifetime at 100K? All the way to TEN microseconds🙂