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Proving Earth is round (deja vu all over again)

Proving Earth is round (deja vu all over again)


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They show pics from ISS but the problem with those images is the lens is wide angle enough that curves are exaggerated, when you see one go by a scene where Earth is out the window and a solar panel is visible, getting towards the edge of view all of a sudden the perfectly straight lines of the solar panel are seen rounded.

When the flat Earthers see that, they go "AHA, GOTCHA" NASA LIES.

At 35 km up in a balloon, Earth's curveature is there but not overwhelming and when up 400 Km on ISS even that is not far enough out to unambiguously make out the curve of Earth, that distance only represents 1/10th of the radius. You would need to be out several radii
if you were to want to see all of Earth in an eyeball view.
So they need to use cameras that match eyeball vision in order to get an image of what the astronaut would see unaided rather than the fisheye version (I know, not quite) they feed from ISS tourist views.


they will just say it is all lies and using the same kind of idiotic arguments some theists ineffectively use against evolution.
They would ask, were you there to witness it yourself?
And they will say the 'so-called evidence' is all "just illustrations" (sound familiar? ).

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Originally posted by @sonhouse
if you were to want to see all of Earth in an eyeball view.
You need to be way further out.
Take a tennis ball and move it right up close to your eye.
You can't deduce it's spherical.
You have trouble describing what you see as circular!

Even with a fish-eye lens I think the ISS "sees" less than 10% of the Earth surface
(NOT anywhere near 50% )

That is why we get these contradictory images which the fat-earthers pick up on.

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Originally posted by @wolfgang59
You need to be way further out.
Take a tennis ball and move it right up close to your eye.
You can't deduce it's spherical.
You have trouble describing what you see as circular!

Even with a fish-eye lens I think the ISS "sees" less than 10% of the Earth surface
(NOT anywhere near 50% )

That is why we get these contradictory images which the fat-earthers pick up on.
They use the argument the use of wide angle lens is deliberate to exaggerate the curve of Earth which would be much less if the lens had the same acceptance angle as human eyes.

That is part of the "NASA ALWAYS LIES" card they pull out for such images.

There was one of the whole of Antarctica taken from a probe over a million miles from Earth and the entire planet was shown curved with all of Antarctica in one image.

"OBVIOUS photoshopped' was the hue and cry when the moon got in between the camera and Earth, it passed by because of the angle and speed of the craft, the moon had images of it crossing Earth but the image update was nowhere near video standard, like 30 frames/second, because of the technology of the camera and onboard computer, only took images like every 5 or 10 seconds so the moon looked like it jumped from one frame to another but Flatasssers could not accept that explanation, instead pulling the 'NASA ALWAYS LIES, IT'S PHOTOSHOPPED" card and no amount of explanations as to the tech behind the images would change their totally closed minds.

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