@uzless saidGood one🙂 I used to WORK there, Horsham Pa. Had a couple of those beasts too.
My Commodore 64 just conked out. Good thing i still have my Vic20!
BTW, my buddy Howard Moscowitz was a chip designer at AT&T and convinced his bosses to design the very first digital audio chip which was successful and was the audio chip used in the 64. IMAGINE Sixty four THOUSAND BYTES of memory! WoW, WHAT WILL WE THINK OF NEXT🙂
I wonder if we can even SEE 64K of memory on our new multigig chips now, a tiny corner stuck away in a city of memory.....
And transistor sizes of 4 nanometers pushing to TWO NM in a couple of years, you are counting frigging ATOMS at that point🙂
"Boss, we just perfected mass production of transistors using only 20 atoms!"
I have to admit that I was doubting that they would get the 12 nm to fly. You need unbelievable purity of material there. Pushing 2 is more inconceivable still.
@venda saidBack when phones made phone calls......Now it is a hotbed of video games and intrusive advertising.
I've just had to replace my mobile phone.I was told I had 128gb of memory.
I said I don't need anywhere near that.
The chap said that's the lowest you can get now.
I was quite happy with my spectrum 48k back in the 80's although sometimes the loading would get right to the end and then crash!!
@sonhouse saidI wrote my first university essay paper on my commodore 64. Problem was the word processor software could only take 3.5 pages of text before an error would say the computer was out of memory....so all my essays files could only be 3 pages long before i'd have to save it to a floppy disk and then start a new file for pages 4-6 etc.
Good one🙂 I used to WORK there, Horsham Pa. Had a couple of those beasts too.
BTW, my buddy Howard Moscowitz was a chip designer at AT&T and convinced his bosses to design the very first digital audio chip which was successful and was the audio chip used in the 64. IMAGINE Sixty four THOUSAND BYTES of memory! WoW, WHAT WILL WE THINK OF NEXT🙂
I wonder if we can even SEE 6 ...[text shortened]... OMS at that point🙂
"Boss, we just perfected mass production of transistors using only 20 atoms!"
Oh the good ol days.
@uzless saidBack in those days they had no choice but to use machine language which was inherently less memory taken. But in spite of that, the coding for the word processor must have had such a ram load as to preclude anything more than your 3.5 pages so between the two, ram got filled.
I wrote my first university essay paper on my commodore 64. Problem was the word processor software could only take 3.5 pages of text before an error would say the computer was out of memory....so all my essays files could only be 3 pages long before i'd have to save it to a floppy disk and then start a new file for pages 4-6 etc.
Oh the good ol days.
Now at least you could write a million pages and not run out of memory.
How many pages was the essay total? Two runs through, 7 pages. That seems like a fair bit of essay material right there. what is the word count for a typical college essay?
@sonhouse said250 words per page is fairly standard depending on font size.
Back in those days they had no choice but to use machine language which was inherently less memory taken. But in spite of that, the coding for the word processor must have had such a ram load as to preclude anything more than your 3.5 pages so between the two, ram got filled.
Now at least you could write a million pages and not run out of memory.
How many pages was the es ...[text shortened]... s like a fair bit of essay material right there. what is the word count for a typical college essay?