So what is the bigger threat to humanity, religion or science?
I often hear people say that religion is the cause of all our wars, thus it is evil and if not destroyed will destroy us. However, when looking at the world the opposite seems to be true.
Speaking of war, why do we have guns? Why do we have tanks? Why do we have WMD's? Is it not because of science? It seems Korea is poised to start World War 3 with their development of WMD's, along with Iran
What of global warming? I hear that the entire globe is threatened by global warming and increasing populations. So without the science of exploiting fossil fuels for the benefit of mankind, population levels would not be near what they are today nor would we have carbon emissions filtering into the atmospehere at alarming levels.
What of Monsanto and their GM produce? I hear that they have made their plants that we eat unable to reproduce, which then pollinates other plants so that they can't reproduce with the threat of a world with non-reproducing plants.
What of plastic? I hear it is clogging the worlds oceans and pollution is off the charts. I also hear that plastic will never biodegrade and be around to pollute forever. Did not science give us this fantastic material to use at our whim?
And what of Ai? Hear man is on the verge of creating an artificial intelligence, devoid of human empathy that will no doubt see mankind as some sort of threat to the planet once it takes in all the data. So what will it do to "save" the planet?
Was the story of the Garden of Eden on target? Is the true danger to mankind partaking of the tree of knowledge that is devoid of wisdom?
Originally posted by @eladarTo avoid the advent of robot consumerism. Building robots to build robots. We need to set the interface towards human and only move it when and if we have to.
The immediate problem will be what to do with people once robots can do most jobs.
I for one wouldn't mind clocking in to help mine an asteroid in VR.
Originally posted by @whodeyThe problems with both religion and science lie in their application. The inability of humanity to fully think through a solution is our folly. However, that doesn't mean we should stop thinking.
So what is the bigger threat to humanity, religion or science?
I often hear people say that religion is the cause of all our wars, thus it is evil and if not destroyed will destroy us. However, when looking at the world the opposite seems to be true.
Speaking of war, why do we have guns? Why do we have tanks? Why do we have WMD's? Is it not because ...[text shortened]... get? Is the true danger to mankind partaking of the tree of knowledge that is devoid of wisdom?
Originally posted by @whodeythe biggest threat to humanity is humanity.
So what is the bigger threat to humanity, religion or science?
Science is evidence-based knowledge while religion tells us not to think but just believe without question whatever nonsense it says is true, no matter how absurd and no matter what evidence there is against it. Science is a tool and, like all tools, what harm or good it does generally depends on what we choose to do with it. What we must do is not be against science, i.e. evidence-based knowledge and thinking, but rather be against using it for evil while encouraging using it for good. Just like all tools, its threat and/or benefit is our choice so asking about the 'threat' of science is asking the wrong question; the right question is; what can we do about the threat of humanity choosing to use science and/or religion against humanity?
Originally posted by @eladarThe immediate problem is there are WAY too frigging many humans on Earth. Cut them down 90% and most all the problems we face now are gone. And. BTW, religions are far worse, since they are hypocrites, saying let's have peace but secretly buying all the nasty weapons they can come up with. I am speaking of ISIS and Taliban and those governments controlled by religions.
The immediate problem will be what to do with people once robots can do most jobs.
Originally posted by @sonhouseI find it hypocritical to be alive and complaining about too many people being alive.
The immediate problem is there are WAY too frigging many humans on Earth. Cut them down 90% and most all the problems we face now are gone. And. BTW, religions are far worse, since they are hypocrites, saying let's have peace but secretly buying all the nasty weapons they can come up with. I am speaking of ISIS and Taliban and those governments controlled by religions.
Originally posted by @humyWell, that begs the question; What exacly is "good" and "evil" in the eyes of science?
the biggest threat to humanity is humanity.
Science is evidence-based knowledge while religion tells us not to think but just believe without question whatever nonsense it says is true, no matter how absurd and no matter what evidence there is against it. Science is a tool and, like all tools, what harm or good it does generally depends on what we choose to ...[text shortened]... can we do about the threat of humanity choosing to use science and/or religion against humanity?
Originally posted by @joe-shmoAgreed.
The problems with both religion and science lie in their application. The inability of humanity to fully think through a solution is our folly. However, that doesn't mean we should stop thinking.
Jesus only condemned the religious leaders of his day for their hypocrisy. Sinners he embraced.
How is my post suggestive that we stop thinking? I would think the opposite has occurred. My question is, how do we adopt wisdom on such matters? Additionally, does science seem to be an even bigger threat to human survival when devoid of wisdom than religion?
Originally posted by @humyReligion tells us how we should treat our fellow man and relate to God. Would you agree that most do not adhere to the example of Christ?
the biggest threat to humanity is humanity.
Science is evidence-based knowledge while religion tells us not to think but just believe without question whatever nonsense it says is true, no matter how absurd and no matter what evidence there is against it. Science is a tool and, like all tools, what harm or good it does generally depends on what we choose to ...[text shortened]... can we do about the threat of humanity choosing to use science and/or religion against humanity?
Conversely, science empowers us over the material universe. There are no standards set as to then treat our fellow man with such power and knowledge.
I would think that those who focus only on the material aspect of our existence would only feel threatened by those who empower themselves by it and laugh at those who waste their time with spiritual teachings such as telling others to love their fellow man as themselves.
Originally posted by @joe-shmoI think evil is believing something devoid of the scientific method.....unless it is a teaching like abiogenesis that can neither be observed or duplicated.
Well, that begs the question; What exacly is "good" and "evil" in the eyes of science?