Sea level rise

Sea level rise


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07 Dec 05
13 Apr 19

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
#1 just shows when CO2 and Methane heating kicks in big time, the natural upwards graph will just exacerbate the whole thing, making things worse in the future rather than helping.

#3 and 8, cherry picking graph data, claiming a long term lowering when that is not at all obvious, just making a red line going down does not make it true.

#9, forgetting about methane?
#10, where does he get data about global temps from a billion years ago?


07 Dec 05
17 Apr 19
1 edit

@sonhouse said
#1 just shows when CO2 and Methane heating kicks in big time, the natural upwards graph will just exacerbate the whole thing, making things worse in the future rather than helping.

#3 and 8, cherry picking graph data, claiming a long term lowering when that is not at all obvious, just making a red line going down does not make it true.

#9, forgetting about methane?
#10, where does he get data about global temps from a billion years ago?
It isn't about methane, it is about CO2.
I thought CO2 was your bogeyman. I thought you wanted a carbon tax. How is that going to stop methane from continuing to increase?

Cherry picking graph data? Which part of the graph data? How do you claim it is misleading? Be specific.
If there is something untrue show me what is true. You making this claim does not make it true. You sound like Trump saying "fake news". Just an excuse to bury your head in the sand.

People have a tendency to deny anything that threatens their long held belief system. Can't prove it wrong? Just deny it is real. Fake news....make America great with a carbon tax. Methane.....uh.....we will talk about that after the carbon tax.

National debt? Don't pay any attention to that interest rate behind the curtain. It will get paid with the carbon tax so you will never peak and see the monster behind the curtain. The monster interest is still growing though.

The monster is about to enslave you. All because your slave masters want to feed it with a carbon tax. Interest is like a monster and if it gets too big you cannot escape it. If it gets big enough they know you will be unable to escape economic slavery. That is what they want. If the monster doesn't get fed with that carbon tax you will notice it is too big and want to stop feeding it with more money.

That is why they are trying to scare you into accepting another tax. It is not enough to have you in economic slavery, they want you in abject economic slavery.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Apr 19
3 edits

@metal-brain said
It isn't about methane, it is about CO2.
I thought CO2 was your bogeyman. I thought you wanted a carbon tax. How is that going to stop methane from continuing to increase?

Cherry picking graph data? Which part of the graph data? How do you claim it is misleading? Be specific.
If there is something untrue show me what is true. You making this claim does not make it t ...[text shortened]... ke America great with a carbon tax. Methane.....uh.....we will talk about that after the carbon tax.
CO2 rises, Methane rises. But short term, Methane is WAY more dangerous. It can lead to a tipping point of no return. Is THAT ok with you? You act like there is nothing we can do to prevent that. You want to stick your head in the sand, fine. The REAL world is going to do something about it. Not you or your buddy Rod Martin for sure. Just show me where we can figure out temperatures a billion years ago. I never saw that kind of data before.

Read this about H20 V CO2:

And this, loss of berries for Alaskan natives due to climate change bringing on insects deadly to plants they use for food:

So you still think warming will make it better in the north?


07 Dec 05
17 Apr 19

@sonhouse said
CO2 rises, Methane rises. But short term, Methane is WAY more dangerous. It can lead to a tipping point of no return. Is THAT ok with you? You act like there is nothing we can do to prevent that. You want to stick your head in the sand, fine. The REAL world is going to do something about it. Not you or your buddy Rod Martin for sure. Just show me where we can figure out te ...[text shortened]... arshallshepherd/2016/06/20/water-vapor-vs-carbon-dioxide-which-wins-in-climate-warming/#62f9910f3238
So back to the CO2 is the bogeyman crap again.

The establishment has you really brainwashed into wanting that carbon tax. They even have you duped into thinking CO2 leads to more methane so carbon is still your #1 bogeyman. They are brilliant propagandists. You want to give them your money no matter what.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
So back to the CO2 is the bogeyman crap again.

The establishment has you really brainwashed into wanting that carbon tax. They even have you duped into thinking CO2 leads to more methane so carbon is still your #1 bogeyman. They are brilliant propagandists. You want to give them your money no matter what.
And I see nothing about the shyte going on in Alaska right now as a result of climate change so I guess you figure tough shyte, grow potatoes instead.


07 Dec 05
18 Apr 19

@sonhouse said
And I see nothing about the shyte going on in Alaska right now as a result of climate change so I guess you figure tough shyte, grow potatoes instead.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
So you didn't link to the post about Alaska tundra and greenery.


07 Dec 05
18 Apr 19

@sonhouse said
So you didn't link to the post about Alaska tundra and greenery.
Climate change is happening. Always has, always will.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
Climate change is happening. Always has, always will.
Go ahead, hide your head in the sand. History will make some rude comments about people like you.


07 Dec 05
18 Apr 19

@sonhouse said
Go ahead, hide your head in the sand. History will make some rude comments about people like you.
Okay Nostradumbass.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
Okay Nostradumbass.
You have been warned. History will judge you and your buddies very poorly.


07 Dec 05
18 Apr 19

@sonhouse said
You have been warned. History will judge you and your buddies very poorly.
Nobody cares about your chick little predictions. You are a fool.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
Nobody cares about your chick little predictions. You are a fool.
Oh no, I am crying now. Totally hurt.


07 Dec 05
18 Apr 19

This thread is about sea level rise. Attempts to digress are pathetic attempts to avoid the true subject of this thread. That is what losers do. They digress to take attention away from their failures in a feeble attempt to save face.