The other day I made a simple battery using a penny and Nickel wax paper small plate and Vinegar. It actually was putting out .058 volts at it's highest. At least that is what my multimeter read. I was thinking about trying to make one that was a bit more elaborate. I was bored and remember being shown this as a kid. One of my friends dad's was some type of scientist LOL anyway he showed us how to make electromagnet also with a big iron nail and he had wrapped fine copper wire around the nail with going in opposite directions and I remember at the time being so amazed
Originally posted by menace71You will get higher voltage if you substitute paper towel material with the wax paper. Wax is a pretty good insulator so it is stopping the galvanic action that makes a battery. The ancient babylonians had batteries too, did you know that?
The other day I made a simple battery using a penny and Nickel wax paper small plate and Vinegar. It actually was putting out .058 volts at it's highest. At least that is what my multimeter read. I was thinking about trying to make one that was a bit more elaborate. I was bored and remember being shown this as a kid. One of my friends dad's was some type of ...[text shortened]... he nail with going in opposite directions and I remember at the time being so amazed
Originally posted by menace71yeah i did this to make a little motor, check it out, my electromagnet is a nail and copper form an old mobile phone charger.
The other day I made a simple battery using a penny and Nickel wax paper small plate and Vinegar. It actually was putting out .058 volts at it's highest. At least that is what my multimeter read. I was thinking about trying to make one that was a bit more elaborate. I was bored and remember being shown this as a kid. One of my friends dad's was some type of ...[text shortened]... he nail with going in opposite directions and I remember at the time being so amazed
praise the God of science!
Originally posted by menace71The paper stores electrolyte, like lemon juice, which allows the charge to cross from one kind of metal to another. Wax paper is not very porous so it holds back exchange of electrons. You can also get galvanic action by sticking the two different metals into a potato or into a lemon. Try that, you will get a lot more volts. You get the most energy from metals furthest apart on the ionic scale, for instance, zinc and copper are what they used for the common battery a long time ago and zinc and carbon inner electrode too.
No I did not know that. I used wax paper but your saying try paper towel ?
Originally posted by sonhouseThose batteries are a bit doubtful though. No battery is going to work with one electrode completely covered in pitch. Apparently they bear a great resemblance to items used to store scrolls that have been found elsewhere. A shame, I liked the ancient electroplating idea.
You will get higher voltage if you substitute paper towel material with the wax paper. Wax is a pretty good insulator so it is stopping the galvanic action that makes a battery. The ancient babylonians had batteries too, did you know that?
Originally posted by robbie carrobiecool the batteries energize the copper winding around the nail right? creating and electromagnet or basically a motor
yeah i did this to make a little motor, check it out, my electromagnet is a nail and copper form an old mobile phone charger.
praise the God of science!