Also called surface waves. There is a lot of misinformation about Nicola Tesla out there. This might clear some things up. Tesla was actually onto something, but he didn't have the money to continue his research.
We will see if something commercial can be made with this technology, assuming their experiments can be independently verified.
@sonhouse saidAsk John G. Trump. He studied Tesla's notes.
We will see if something commercial can be made with this technology, assuming their experiments can be independently verified.
I remember reading that Tesla lied to JP Morgan about the true purpose of Wardencliff tower and that instead of transmitting information he was gong to transmit power across the world. The truth is that it would have done both, so Tesla did not lie at all. That story was the lie.
Funny how that experiment was never independently verified.
There is no doubt Tesla was a genius, he has many other inventions besides proving AC was the best way to transfer power over wires.
The problem with transmitting power via radio or some such is you cannot focus such waves good enough to send power very far, the best we can do now is a phased array IR reflector/transmitter design that can transmit power from major solar energy sats in Earth orbit, that is a link from one transmitter of IR to one receiver, line of site and even that is 80% not 100%.
There are power transmitters meant for homes that can power stuff but not kilowatts, a few hundred watts max and even that is only good for a short distance, maybe 100 feet or less and even at that the room is filled with potentially harmful energy coming out of specially designed coils that have power running through them creating an electromagnetic field inside the house that I for one would not like to have hitting my body 24/7. I do RF and know the effects of too much RF radiation and it is accumulative, one watt hitting you for one hour is the same as 3600 watts hitting you for one second, so my walkie talking running 5 watts can have effects on the body if you talk into it for hours straight, 5 watts for ten hours is like getting 50 watts for one hour and so forth.
So those of us in the know limit our exposure by not talking on a walkie talkie for hours at a time.
You have to get around the issue of RF, IR, visible light, UV, Xrays, whatever kind of electromagnetic energy you transmit, it will NEVER be 100% because you cannot stop the spread of that signal, they are ALWAYS a cone shaped transmission no matter how big the antenna or how many elements, you could make such an antenna the size of Earth and it will still have a cone shaped beam, even if that beam is so perfect it could transmit a beam a thousand miles away, it will be spread out quite a bit at the other end so any of these schemes will inevitably lead to unavoidable losses and the further you go from the antenna the greater the losses.
Another issue is RF, light, whatever, goes in a cone, however as close to a straight line that cone is, it goes one way only, within that cone pattern, it does not turn left when it gets to the horizon or down or whatever, the only way that changes is to introduce the action of the ionosphere which CAN direct certain wavelengths back down to Earth and that can send radio waves thousands of mile but that is just because the ionosphere acts like a mirror but only for certain bands of frequencies,
and that only within a limited range, from say 200Khz to around 200 or so megahertz, IR, visible light, goes pretty much right through. UV gets mostly stopped.
But there is no way to get major amounts of power clear around the planet and if it had been possible it would have been done already since Tesla said it could be done, but as much as a genius as he clearly was, he didn't have to be right about everything.
The bottom line here is you thrive on conspiracy and will find it anywhere you look.
@sonhouse said"You have to get around the issue of RF, IR, visible light, UV, Xrays, whatever kind of electromagnetic energy you transmit, it will NEVER be 100% because you cannot stop the spread of that signal"
Funny how that experiment was never independently verified.
There is no doubt Tesla was a genius, he has many other inventions besides proving AC was the best way to transfer power over wires.
The problem with transmitting power via radio or some such is you cannot focus such waves good enough to send power very far, the best we can do now is a phased array I ...[text shortened]... everything.
The bottom line here is you thrive on conspiracy and will find it anywhere you look.
You should know what kind of electromagnetic energy you would transmit, Zenneck waves. It is the title to this thread. That rules out all the others, including radio. If Zenneck waves cannot go far why is Raytheon working with them to make a long-range radar, like the new High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR)? Did you read the popular mechanics article I posted?
Sure, technology advances and if they develop that good on them. It is just a natural fact radio waves cannot for instance get power from one side of the Earth to the other, north pole to south pole for example. You get SOME radio waves that distance when the solar cycle is up because the ionosphere becomes somewhat mirror like to the right frequencies of radio waves but that would be a poor way to transmit power for sure, since you would lose a hundred DB of that energy before it got a thousand miles away.
@sonhouse saidShortwave radio can get power from one side of the Earth to the other. It isn't very much power at all, but there it is.
Sure, technology advances and if they develop that good on them. It is just a natural fact radio waves cannot for instance get power from one side of the Earth to the other, north pole to south pole for example. You get SOME radio waves that distance when the solar cycle is up because the ionosphere becomes somewhat mirror like to the right frequencies of radi ...[text shortened]... ower for sure, since you would lose a hundred DB of that energy before it got a thousand miles away.
Zenneck waves travel on the surface of the earth, not up to the ionosphere. You are comparing apples to oranges. Tesla intended to use surface waves. He was doing it through the ground, not the air. You don't seem to know what you are talking about.
@sonhouse saidWho said anything about commercial use? The military is working on it. Raytheon is a military contractor. Use is use. It doesn't matter what kind of use.
We will see if anything commercial comes of it.
I think you are just jealous of Tesla. Raytheon is vindicating him. He was not the crazy old man people portrayed him as and he never lied to JP Morgan. All he did was point out that it had another use in addition to sending information.
You can think what you want, it doesn't change my opinion of Tesla which is he was a brilliant mind, a genius.
@sonhouse saidWe can agree on that.
You can think what you want, it doesn't change my opinion of Tesla which is he was a brilliant mind, a genius.
The difference is when something is proven wrong, you don't accept that, sticking like glue to your scientist of the month club.
@sonhouse saidYou are projecting again. You are the one being dogmatic.
The difference is when something is proven wrong, you don't accept that, sticking like glue to your scientist of the month club.
I proved you wrong. Do you accept that?
YOU didn't prove anything, all you can do is post your scientist of the month club.