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A movement frequency counter

A movement frequency counter

Site Ideas

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Currently, the movement frequency is something set by the player.
Is there a way (i.e. - code) that this could be autocounted? It would give a true frequency rather than based on what the player states. I have frequently run into people that say they move all day or once a day when, in fact, they move once a week or even once a month.

Just thought...

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Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Currently, the movement frequency is something set by the player.
Is there a way (i.e. - code) that this could be autocounted? It would give a true frequency rather than based on what the player states. I have frequently run into people that say they move all day or once a day when, in fact, they move once a week or even once a month.

Just thought...
just look at their moves per month...or total moves history..sure it won't give you an exact indication of how often a player moves but it will give you an idea.

remember it's a CC site though, people are entitled to wait as long as they want within the time limits, i don't think russ is to bothered about move frequency.

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It states how people INTEND to move, I think.

Anyway, nobody cares about that on a cc site, as already mentioned.

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If nobody cares then don't have it. I rather like the proposed idea myself.

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Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Currently, the movement frequency is something set by the player.
Is there a way (i.e. - code) that this could be autocounted? It would give a true frequency rather than based on what the player states. I have frequently run into people that say they move all day or once a day when, in fact, they move once a week or even once a month.

Just thought...
They may move every day, just not in your game.

How do you measure player A (100 games) vs. player B (12 games)?

Player A might make 22 moves per day, but player B moves 6 times.

How is this compared to a suitable number that tells YOU how often they will move in YOUR game?


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I think that this is a great suggestion that would add to the pleasure of playing here. I'd suggest two graphics:

1) an "overall" metric, the average number of moves per day over the past 30 days or so, maybe 90 days.

2) a more current trend graphic that indicates the average number of moves per day, or week, or whatever, over the past three (3) days or so.

If anyone objects, my response: What's the harm? So you don't care about it or see the point? That's fine. I'm not alone in thinking this would be a cool addition.

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Originally posted by coquette
I think that this is a great suggestion that would add to the pleasure of playing here. I'd suggest two graphics:

1) an "overall" metric, the average number of moves per day over the past 30 days or so, maybe 90 days.

2) a more current trend graphic that indicates the average number of moves per day, or week, or whatever, over the past three (3) days ...[text shortened]... t or see the point? That's fine. I'm not alone in thinking this would be a cool addition.
You're right! Who cares if the number means nothing at all, just add the feature!


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
You're right! Who cares if the number means nothing at all, just add the feature!

Gosh, I thought the purpose was explained earlier in the thread. Silly me. I guess I'll have to work really hard to think of some good reasons.

Yep, did that.


Originally posted by coquette
Gosh, I thought the purpose was explained earlier in the thread. Silly me. I guess I'll have to work really hard to think of some good reasons.

Yep, did that.
A number detailing 'move frequency' has no real worth though.

In my current games I have mostly 7/14 and a few 7/7. I try to get (per game) two moves a week - tricky positions require longer. I did have some games where the time controls were 3/7 - in these I played at least one move everyday. If I were to play in games of longer time controls (14/7 for example) then I'd leave it longer between playing moves in those games.

For this stat to mean anything to someone playing me, it would have to be calculated per time control - and that's just the way I play now. I used to try and move in all my games everyday. Looks at Phlabibits post above - who's more likely to move in a game you play with player A or player B - what are the time controls?

There are too many styles of play and too many time controls to make a 'move frequency' calculation anything worthwhile - especially when the very calculation would cause server resources to be used and more importantly someone would have to code the thing in the first place.

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Originally posted by KnightWulfe
Currently, the movement frequency is something set by the player.
Is there a way (i.e. - code) that this could be autocounted? It would give a true frequency rather than based on what the player states. I have frequently run into people that say they move all day or once a day when, in fact, they move once a week or even once a month.

Just thought...
Lets say you have 31 games in progress and make 1 move per day in one game.

Have you played every day?

Are you a daily mover or a monthly mover? 😕

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Originally posted by coquette
Gosh, I thought the purpose was explained earlier in the thread. Silly me. I guess I'll have to work really hard to think of some good reasons.

Yep, did that.
Originally posted by coquette
I think that this is a great suggestion that would add to the pleasure of playing here.

What is the 'pleasure' you would get from a number that means nothing? There is pleasure to be found by looking at a given profile and seeing moves per month. Even that number can't tell you how often a user will move in a game they play with you.

I'd suggest two graphics:

1) an "overall" metric, the average number of moves per day over the past 30 days or so, maybe 90 days.

2) a more current trend graphic that indicates the average number of moves per day, or week, or whatever, over the past three (3) days or so.

Read my earlier post, or if you already did please refute what I've said. I'm giving just a couple examples why the number means nothing at all.

If anyone objects, my response: What's the harm? So you don't care about it or see the point? That's fine. I'm not alone in thinking this would be a cool addition.

There is no harm, but wanting to add a worthless number isn't going to add anything to RHP. Think of a better formula if there is one.

Even a number telling you I average 1.7 days per game doesn't mean I won't move twice a day in your game, or every 4 days.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Originally posted by coquette
[b]I think that this is a great suggestion that would add to the pleasure of playing here.

What is the 'pleasure' you would get from a number that means nothing? There is pleasure to be found by looking at a given profile and seeing moves per month. Even that number can't tell you how often a user will move i r game doesn't mean I won't move twice a day in your game, or every 4 days.

Well, I'm deciding on whether to accept an applicant to a clan. I click on the profile and see some information. The graphic profile let's me know if there are suspicious signs of sanbagging or overloading and timing out and how long and stable the member has been. All good information when making that decision. What else might help me decide? Oh yes, I do check the public forum comments, to be sure that I don't accept some totally rude idiot (no names here). I also look at the profile statement to see how the applicant describes himself or herself. Cool. What's left? Oh yes, some clans would like to have very active players! Why? Well, the clan scoring system, flawed or not, favors high frequency play. You see, you aren't penalized so much for losses, not if you are playing a lot of different clans. Your clan is rewarded for wins and draws. Some think that is lame, but that's what it is. So be it. For me, it works. I just accept the rules because that's what they are. Now, I'm trying to find a player that is mature, stable, plays a lot, and isn't cheating. Gee, I see that they have a lot of games in progress and that they've made a lot of moves. Cool. I'm thinking, how are they moving these days? Are they moving frequently? Gosh, I know. I can go look at their record of games and see exactly when they made their moves over the past few weeks. It's too bad that this isn't a modern era where computers exist and the site could easily post a graphic showing how frequently the player has been moving in recent weeks or so. That would be too cool. No, wait! This is a computer site. It is a modern era where graphics like this are easy to create and display! I wonder why they aren't doing it? Oh, sure, now I know. It's because some members think that there isn't any point. Well, gosh, maybe someone could explain it to them. I'll check on that. Oops. Forgot. That explanation has been made several times already, and just before this. Okay, well, there has to be some other good reasons for them not doing it. I'll try to think of one or two.


Can't think of any.



Oh yeah. Now I remember. Phlababit doesn't see the point. That's right. Therefor, it shouldn't happen. Got it.

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Originally posted by coquette
Well, I'm deciding on whether to accept an applicant to a clan. I click on the profile and see some information. The graphic profile let's me know if there are suspicious signs of sanbagging or overloading and timing out and how long and stable the member has been. All good information when making that decision. What else might help me decide? Oh yes, I do ...[text shortened]... oesn't see the point. That's right. Therefor, it shouldn't happen. Got it.
Originally posted by coquette
Well, I'm deciding on whether to accept an applicant to a clan. I click on the profile and see some information. The graphic profile let's me know if there are suspicious signs of sanbagging or overloading and timing out and how long and stable the member has been. All good information when making that decision.

You can view a graph, and that's the best info an sandbagging.

Time outs? How does this info help you decide if a user has gotten timed out? HOW DOES THIS NUMBER ANSWER EITHER POINT YOU'VE MADE HERE?

What else might help me decide? Oh yes, I do check the public forum comments, to be sure that I don't accept some totally rude idiot (no names here). I also look at the profile statement to see how the applicant describes himself or herself. Cool. What's left?

Is this a filibuster? Nothing you're talking about so far has anything to do with the validity of the suggestion of a 'move frequency'. I'm not even going into 'forum use'. You're going off on stuff that has NOTHING to do with the subject. You've been told by me and at least one other user that this number means nothing when comparing players with different number of games and different settings on moves.

What does '12 moves per day' tell you when the user plays 22 games or 10 games and doesn't move in 4 games or 8 games for a week? The number means as little as moves per month. We have that feature already. How does this number improve decisions?

Oh yes, some clans would like to have very active players! Why? Well, the clan scoring system, flawed or not, favors high frequency play. You see, you aren't penalized so much for losses, not if you are playing a lot of different clans. Your clan is rewarded for wins and draws. Some think that is lame, but that's what it is. So be it. For me, it works. I just accept the rules because that's what they are. Now, I'm trying to find a player that is mature, stable, plays a lot, and isn't cheating. Gee, I see that they have a lot of games in progress and that they've made a lot of moves. Cool. I'm thinking, how are they moving these days? Are they moving frequently? Gosh, I know. I can go look at their record of games and see exactly when they made their moves over the past few weeks.

Past few weeks? That is moves per month. How does your number improve on a number we have that really means nothing. Just explain it rather than going in circles. How does this number tell you anything moves per month didn't tell you?

It's too bad that this isn't a modern era where computers exist and the site could easily post a graphic showing how frequently the player has been moving in recent weeks or so. That would be too cool. No, wait! This is a computer site. It is a modern era where graphics like this are easy to create and display! I wonder why they aren't doing it? Oh, sure, now I know. It's because some members think that there isn't any point.

Let's invent some new numbers that mean nothing at all. We have computers after all!

Well, gosh, maybe someone could explain it to them. I'll check on that. Oops. Forgot. That explanation has been made several times already, and just before this. Okay, well, there has to be some other good reasons for them not doing it. I'll try to think of one or two.


Can't think of any.



Oh yeah. Now I remember. Phlababit doesn't see the point. That's right. Therefor, it shouldn't happen. Got it.

[/b]I believe you clearly don't see the point. You can't tell me why this number will tell you anything regardless who comes along and says it means nothing.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Originally posted by coquette
[b]Well, I'm deciding on whether to accept an applicant to a clan. I click on the profile and see some information. The graphic profile let's me know if there are suspicious signs of sanbagging or overloading and timing out and how long and stable the member has been. All good information when making that decision.

gardless who comes along and says it means nothing.

Ok. I give up again. I have a better understanding of futility now. Thank you.

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There is obviously some importance to time and frequency. If there were none, then there would not be a LAST MOVED ON.... and a setting to tell people how often you move.

I think (and apparently so do others) that such a measure would be a welcome addition. It might mean nothing to you, Phlab, but I would find it useful. I am not talkin in one game or just my games, I am talking about an overall ACCURATE movement counter, not just what they decided to put on their profile.

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